The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (2024)

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (1)

So, you’re ready to join the workshop map revolution, eh? Ready to bust out of the restrictive colosseum cage?

Honestly, good for you. It’s a revitalizing change of scenery. You’ll transform draining exercises into the highlight of your day. You’ll achieve extra mileage by isolating important skills during Rocket League training hours.

The best part? Even my potato writing laptop fires up these maps… despite timing out before joining matches.

It’s a fifteen-year-old beater. The brand doesn’t even exist anymore.

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (2)

That’s a testament to the reliability of Rocket League workshop maps.

Here’s my point:

Whether you’re coaching yourself or coaching a friend, the process becomes infinitely easier with the aid of workshop maps.

Alright, I’ll spare you the endless drivel. If you’re harboring any related questions, I’ve partitioned them into drop-down menus below. Otherwise, you came here for the best Rocket League workshop maps. I’ll deliver.

I’ll dish a three-course appetizer. First we’ll sortworkshop maps leaning into honing mechanical skills by car control and ball control. Then I’ll sign off with the most fun workshop maps to help blow off steam after a bad streak.

Welcome to the fold, Rocketeers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s spit some FAQ’s.

You can’t.

Although, the future looks promising. Fortnite operates on Unreal Engine 5. It’s evolved into an RL physics playground – featuring iconic Rocket League car bodies with accurate jump heights, boost consumption, and flip distances. Players can design maps there.

The cherry on top? Psyonix is developing Rocket League for UE5 as we speak.

In the meantime, console players have special boundary-shattering training packs available for every map. The Dropshot Core 707 map break is ideal. You won’t clip into mystical invisible walls. It also furnishes more obstacles to dance through.

Cobra created most of the others. He’s now a proud owner of the elusive (and retired) White Hat.

I’ll dump the training pack codes:


Dropshot Core 707 out of map: 573C-BFBB-4C17-D278

Full List:

  • Out of Map [Wasteland][Cobra]: 1160-07A3-0A66-A662
  • Out of Map [DFH][Cobra]: 5991-D8FD-9D36-CD5A
  • Out of Map [Aquadome][Cobra]: D9EC-1B7F-6379-7105
  • Out of Map [Utopia][Cobra]: ECA0-1754-9C87-5FD0
  • Out of Map [Underpass][Cobra]: 94A6-89DD-125F-F11F
  • Out of Map [Mannfield][Cobra]:4531-2325-1B49-B08E
  • Out of Map [Beckwith][Cobra]:B85B-DBC9-471F-2DDA
  • Out of Map [Octagon][Cobra]: A288-BC2D-D402-7C00
  • Out of Map [Urban Central][Cobra]: 6A28-9E6D-3E67-57FA
  • Out of Map [Starbase][Cobra]: 09FB-7E38-1EF3-168A
  • Out of Map [Farmstead]: 20C2-D396-FBBC-5D37
  • Out of Map [Neo Tokyo]: 4E38-0FF4-D96A-3D1E
  • Rivals Arena: F7B1-90A0-968D-B194
  • Throwback Stadium: 6F7D-0A94-66D3-77A4
  • Forbidden Temple: D355-3DA1-B917-5F81
  • Salty Shores [Day]: 70CB-1AC0-391A-0F7F
  • Salty Shores [Night]: 2D8D-9AD7-4CD0-09DF
  • Throwback Stadium: 6F7D-0A94-66D3-77A4
  • 30 Ball Mayhem: 7410-0268-A58A-F36F
  • 50 Ball Mayhem: C5DE-E386-CCAD-F76B


Any content stating otherwise roams a prehistoric land littered with monochromatic velociraptors.

We’ve had the EGS launcher cracked since September 23rd of 2020. Any hurdles we faced beforehand were due to overcoming the new launcher’s limitations.

Since you’re here, you’re probably new to the RL modding scene. I’ll link you to Sledge’s installation tutorial. Sledge ranked 3rd in my Top RL YouTuber picks, and Psyonix sanctioned his video as their official guide. I’ve interviewed Sledge. He’s super friendly.

He’ll make the installation process painless.

Yes. Bakkesmod is open-sourced.

Modders enjoy what they do. Many have Patreon channels. More prominent characters even ventured into careers at Psyonix – like our netcode extraordinaire, CinderBlock.

Anyone can, but only a handful of people harness the knowledge.

Praise the holy trinity:

  • Lethamyr: Here’s an established YouTuber and retired Rocket League Championship Series (RLCS) pro. Leth develops cutting-edge ring maps. He’s also unleashed heaps of custom game mode playgrounds for chilling with friends.
  • Gidek: Gidek is our resident map-making freelancer. He’s a visionary. He’s helped Eversax drum up hype in the RL speedrunning scene. He worked with Leth to birth ambitious coding projects such as the infamous, fully-functional RL Among Us map. You also might remember the air dribble competition he sparked amongst RL content creators. Here’s to hoping he lands his dream job as a coder.
  • DMC: DMC and FrenchFries blazed the trail for early workshop modding. But DMC’s legacy continues to grow – long after his peers vanished into the sunset. He dropped half a dozen high-rated maps by 2018. RL modding was still living in its infancy. His maps still assist players today.

You can! Modders construct maps in the Unreal Developer Kit. It’s free software.

You can upload your completed maps to Steam!

Community appreciation is more rewarding than you may realize.


Once installed, You can update Bakkesmod to the latest Rocket League patch within the ‘File’ drop-down menu. It’s two clicks away, and the launcher notifies you when it’s outdated.

Launching Bakkesmod is equally seamless. Simply open it before firing up Rocket League.

I’ll add a note that ‘Alpha Console’ is no longer necessary for any RL modding. It’s been wholly absorbed by Bakkesmod.

Doomsday preppers enjoy rambling about how Bakkesmod interferes with dev’s bottom lines on costly cosmetic items like the coveted White Apex.

Rest assured, the Psyonix dev team planted their roots in modding Unreal Tournament. They nurture and adore the modding community. Their founder, Dave Hagewood, says watching people tamper with his games fills his heart with pride.

Bakkesmod is here to stay.

Oh boy. There’s more than one correct answer.

Personally, I rummage and download them in-app with this search plug-in.

Renowned creators – like Lethamyr – post new map downloads on personal websites. You can scout those out once you discover your favorite modders.

And, of course, you can always browse the Steam Community boards for recent releases.

I’m being extremely generous with my rating system. Patience eclipses rank constraints. Period.

Abilities and knowledge vary wildly within ranks. I’m using the metric exclusively to help you gauge complexity between workshop maps.

Just because I rank something at “Platinum” doesn’t mean it won’t push a Supersonic Legend. I just figure a Plat can survive by omitting things like directional air roll. They might clear the first few levels easier before queuing into matches.

And, deep down, we all know Plats biggest hang-ups are in their mental game.

If you’re ranked gold or below, you should focus on car control or exploration maps before attempting ball grappling shenanigans. I won’t say they’re impossible. I could dribble a little as a lowly silver…

But early vigilance toward car control and ball reads will save you precious time in the long run. I might’ve learned decent flicks and haphazard air dribbles by Plat, but my friends outraced me into Champ by years.

Best RL Workshop Maps for Improving Car Control

As someone who spent a painful five years playing on console, I know where you’re coming from. You want to hit those juicy rings maps ASAP.

At surface level, rings are an outstanding exercise for eliminating your blackout zones while fiddling with directional air roll. But if we dive into multiple maps, we begin developing a more critical skill: Planning ahead.

More time spent chasing random checkpoints means less time staring at the orientation of the thrusters hanging off your octane’s booty. That translates to better on-field awareness.

Then there’s the elephant in the room:

Lightning-fast aerial touches are king in high ranks. As defense improves, you’ll frequently push for swift offensive plays. But speed is worthless if you can’t back it with enough car control to nail potent touches. You’ll need to master Rocket League’s hidden car control mechanics first.

Speed Jump Rings 3

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (3)

Creator: DMC

Release Date: 2019

Skill Grade: Diamond +

Access Link

Video Footage

Notes: I’d argue Speed Jump Rings 3 is the most popular ring map ever released. It’s certainly the most competitive speedrun map, boasting many sub-3-minute runs. The brisk, bite-sized pacing is its greatest asset.

A few other factors set this map apart from its rivals:

  • More launch platforms for fiddling with flip resets.
  • Varied ring sizes in all levels – marked in a tidy color coding for easier reads.
  • An unobtrusive file size without extravagant background noise.

If you haven’t heard of Speed Jump Rings 3 yet, pluck it and toss it into your paste bin.

Lethamyr’s Giant Rings (Ice Rings)

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (4)

Creator: Lethamyr

Release Date: 2020

Skill Grade: Platinum +

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Video Footage

Notes: Leth’s Ice Rings evolved into a hallmark of the RL community. Leth’s pro status guided credibility and exposure into the equation.

The map is flawless.

The fantastical topography outshines staring into Wasteland for the 100,000,000th time. It’s a winter wonderland lit by colorful bulbs and snow sculptures. It rekindles the spirit of a magical Dickensian Christmas Land. Then the terrain gradually deviates into a rugged snow-dusted hellscape, adorned with razor-sharp peaks.

If winter isn’t your vibe, Leth refurbished a modernized Lava Ring reskin.

But this map didn’t pop off solely on her beauty. Leth’s Rings sport a buttery smooth difficulty curve of bobbing and weaving through standardized hoops. Every five levels, the rings shrink – which is now a staple of Leth’s training maps.

You’ll triumph over awkward camera angles. You’ll drill recoveries from the relentless tugging of Rocket League’s dense gravity.

Leth’s giant rings push you long after mastery. It clocks a half-hour warmup for directional air roll training.

Medieval Rings

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (5)

Creator: Lethamyr

Release Date: 2022

Skill Grade: Gold +

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Video Footage

Notes: Leth showcased his modding experience here. Medieval rings anchored the crown of ‘most vibrant visuals’ of any training course to date. Castles. Palisades. Hay carts. Moody lighting. This map is dope.

Leth builds ring workshops with three standardized difficulty settings. “Hard” mode sends you back a level when you crash. The “impossible” mode ejects you back to square one.

Medieval Rings also follows his standard 20-level format.

Leth remedied the top criticisms of his older rings maps:

  • This feudal landscape features more launching platforms.
  • The closing levels hurling tinier rings are shorter and less intimidating.
  • A clean run takes half as long as his ice ring map, clocking around 15 minutes.

Neon Heights

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (6)

Creator: Lethamyr

Release Date: 2021

Skill Grade: Platinum +

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Video Footage

Notes: Leth’s Neon Heights map is a sprawling urban nightscape. It’s oozing with familiar Cyberpunk/Vaporwave motifs that align with Psyonix’s palette. Think Neo Tokyo…

Now, subtract the non-standardized map PTSD its older brother inflicts.

Neon Heights provides more variance than Leth’s first creation, but still fosters more raw skill than his newest.

Neon Heights is on the short side, a skilled player scrapes through all 20 levels in under ten minutes. I use this map when tackling a multifaceted training routine.

(I can knock out a round of Neon Heights, then practice dribbles and pinches without exhausting myself and all my cherished gaming time.)

Hornets Nest

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (7)

Creator: DMC

Release Date: 2019

Skill Grade: Gold +

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Video Footage

Notes: I consider Hornet’s Nest DMC’s Magnum Opus. Everything he drafted beforehand peeks through the cracks, donning influence here.

You’ll find yourself confined in a claustrophobic cage – with panels barreling at you. You can adjust their speed, and they’ll accelerate as you clear each level.

Since you’re in a rounded enclosure, you’ll get plenty of experience tightening your wall and ceiling recoveries.

Distinctive exclamation point barriers appear, too. They rush you into interacting with a predetermined ball spawn – simulating a race to a critical 50/50 challenge.

Later levels introduce ring sequences, but with the goal of maintaining a stationary car. These sequences build incredible aerial recovery skills. You’ll level up your double taps. Those unexpected situations where opponents launch you into orbit become a cakewalk, too.

Hornet’s Nest lasts 10 levels.

It’ll hone your concentration on elegant wall landings. It’ll scribble out any awkwardness you feel from driving sideways or upside down. If you’re planning to tighten your wall-to-air dribbles or ceiling shots, this workshop map supplies hasty results.

Speed Jump Rings 1

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (8)

Creator: DMC

Release Date: 2018

Skill Grade: Platinum +

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Video Footage

Notes: Say hello to Rocket League’s first rings map. Speed Jump Rings was one of many groundbreaking concepts brewing in the bright mind of DMC.

Experienced players can navigate this map in under 5 minutes.

Speed Jump Rings 1 still holds up today – thanks to its emphasis on boost management. The course offers four difficulty frameworks. As you progress through each ring, you’ll earn a set amount of boost to reach the next checkpoint. You can select unlimited boost, too… but for alienating aerial car control, I prefer Leth’s maps instead.

Each setting weans more boost until you’re an aerial pro. The “hard” mode grants 50 boost per ring, which is reasonable. If you disagree, it’s time to knuckle down on conserving boost!

This workshop map pitches miniature rings from the start, with no awkward size variance. Momentum shifts are heavy and frequent, forging an unblemished map for managing aerial recoveries.

Dacia Spring Electric Challenge

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (9)

Creators: Gidek, Mr. Swaggles, Lethamyr

Release Date: 2022

Skill Grade: Silver +

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Video Footage

Notes: The Dacia challenge was the coolest promotional event to graze the Rocket League scene. While companies like McLaren are spitting tired old Dominus hitbox re-skins, big brain Dacia finessed something special. Rocket League Platformer Edition. They collaborated with top-tier map makers. Speedrunners won some free swag.

It was a good time.

And the workshop map continues floating adrift in the vast sea of the internet.

The Dacia Spring Electric Challenge tests your boost management and recovery chops like no other workshop map. This 20-level obstacle course pushes you to sustain momentum and preserve your flips.

You’ll stumble into small boost checkpoints. Every 4th level sparks urgency with a time limit. Levels are skippable. And easy mode is perfectly accessible to new players.

This map is enormous. It’ll keep you occupied for hours. I’ll take the Spring Electric Challenge over Batman Rumble any day of the week.

The Immortals Progressive Tower

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (10)

Creators: Lethamyr, Mr. Swaggles, Simple Shark

Release Date: 2023

Skill Grade: Grand Champ+

Access Link

Video Footage

Notes: Even though the Progressive insurance company blatantly copied Dacia’s brilliant marketing ploy, I admit the Immortals Progressive tower feels like the future of the RL modding scene.

Swaggles and Leth spit out another banger in ingenuity. Each level pushes your game speed as you spiral around an obstacle course until chasing down an ever-moving goal post.

This course drills your powerslide recoveries to the limit as early as level 1. It strains your boost management in the same way as the Dacia from start to finish.

But the kicker? Now there’s a handful of barriers that you can only topple by smashing a ball into distant targets.

Immortals Progressive Tower is both a speedrunners wet dream and the most mechanically taxing obstacle course to spawn from Leth’s hands.

I rate it.

Speed Jump Trials

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (11)

Creator: DMC

Release Date: 2018

Skill Grade: Gold +

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Video Footage

Notes: Not all obstacle courses revolve around twirling through rings! The Speed Jump Trials are a series of aerial tests where you tumble through pillars and platforms.

Higher ranked players benefit more from ring maps. In a generalized obstacle course, you’re merely cramming flight patterns. But unseasoned players find maps like this more comfortable and fun.

I’d say it’s worth an inclusion.

Speed Jump Boost

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (12)

Creator: DMC

Release Date: 2018

Skill Grade: Silver +

Access Link

Video Footage

Notes: Speed Jump Boost is the most downloaded ringless RL obstacle course. That’s because there’s a particular pillar level everyone recommends for familiarizing yourself with Kuxir twists, flying sideways, and flying backward.

It’s a level where you weave through a few pillars.

But truthfully, the whole thing provides rookies with stellar early flight grounds. You’ll develop some boost management skills and game sense, too.

Thundasurge Rings

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (13)

Creator: ThundaSurge

Release Date: 2023

Skill Grade: Gold +

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Video Footage

Notes: Want to spice up your boring training regimen with wacky and innovative gimmicks? This ring map delivers.

You’ll warp through rift gates into alternate gravity dimensions. You’ll lunge through buildings with large corridors. It’s a marvelous boon to your landing and launching recoveries.

The ring segments are tighter than all the others. There isn’t a lot of wiggle room before slapping into the next checkpoint. You’ll encounter powerslide sectors and a fair amount of ceiling driving.

It might sound convoluted, but ThundaSurges workshop map is lively. It’s the lengthiest ring map on this list. The backdrop looks pleasant. It paints a serene autumn landscape sprawling with trees. Still, if scenery is your primary interest, Leth polishes better.

Plus you’ll need some top-end gear to keep this map from chugging.

Impossible Rings 2

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (14)

Creator: Whifftastic

Release Date: 2020

Skill Grade: Champion +

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Video Footage

Notes: Impossible Rings is hectic and minimalistic. Ring placements are whimsical. The ground tiles reek of psychedelic nausea. It isn’t fast or flowy. There’s a chaotic mess of teleportation rings – geared toward cramping mountains of content in a tighter space.

But if you’re seeking a radically advanced workshop map, Impossible Rings 2 will test your mettle. It’s the only map to implement bobbing through vertical ring sequences. It expresses the fiercest turns. It tosses a couple tiny square rings that almost match your vehicle’s precise hitbox.

It’s only 5 levels, but each level is long and intense.

Best RL Workshop Maps for Improving Ball Control

Let’s tackle ball control.

Rocket League isn’t about playing ping-pong with your opponents.

Sure, RL demands agile responses to opposing attacks. But when possession falls into your hands, it’s time to set your own pace.

Ball control workshop maps help you seize your moment. They’ll equip you with more opportunities to trip opponents and snap their axles.

Modders wield their vast expanse to convert our car soccer simulator into a meticulous gyro puzzle-platformer. They blur the lines between air dribbles and ground dribbles.

These workshop maps will transfigure you into a prodigy. No questions asked.

Aim Trainer

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (15)

Created by: Coco

Release Date: 2019

Skill Grade: Gold +

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Video Footage

Notes: Ball control doesn’t always involve slapping sticky tack to the hood of your car. Sometimes it isn’t stylish at all.

Consistency is the golden ticket to ranking up in Rocket League. The more open nets you miss, the more you’ll struggle to catch wins. When your passes don’t land where they’re intended, you’ll dissipate your teammates’ trust.

Aim Trainer is like your favorite training pack’s seven-foot-tall giga-chad step-brother. It forces pinpoint accuracy from extended distances. Oftentimes, you’ll need to secure top-shelf hits at awkward angles.

It denies slow-rolling grandma shots.

You’ll begin fine-tuning your air roll before flipping to maximize power. You’ll memorize your corner hitbox and slap bangers back-to-back.

With Aim Trainer, you can randomize target sizes and shot distances. You can randomize ball drops with varying angles, heights, and speeds.

There’s also a “Survival Mode” that resets you after three missed shots, but I don’t recommend it. Aim Trainer already tracks your streaks by default.

Here’s the point: Coco’s Aim Training is the BEST workshop map in Rocket League. I’m not exaggerating. Don’t skimp yourself just because it isn’t flashy.

Dribble 2 Overhaul

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (16)

Creator: OxDigby (OG by French Fries)

Release Date: 2019

Skill Grade: Diamond +

Access Link

Video Footage

Notes: All my OG’s remember the hype surrounding the old-school Dribble 2 Challenge by French Fries. It was ugly as heck. Still, we all gazed in bewilderment as Squishy blasted through it in his Cloud9 glory days of 2017.

I’d wager around 70% of us downloaded Dribble 2 before any other workshop map. We carried megalithic dreams and high hopes. We wanted to whip out nasty wavedash catches and 360 dribble twists like the pros.

Well, she’s back! And looking cleaner than ever before. She’s lined with vibrant saffron borders and a swirling aurora backdrop. Better yet, her ball-eating asphalt is gentler on the eyes.

For the uninitiated:

You can expect to weave the ball through rotating walls and other moving components. You’ll juggle the ball through tight corners and upward inclines. You’ll leap across massive gaps and flick over barriers.

The mayhem lasts 30 levels. You’ll savor every second of it.

Leth’s Dribble Challenge Remaster

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (17)

Creator: Lethamyr

Release Date: 2022

Skill Grade: Champ +

Access Link

Video Footage

Notes: One day Leth woke up and chose violence. He cooked up a desire to crank the difficulty from the popular “Dribble Challenge 2” to 10,011. It was a monumental success. You’ll notice sharper cuts right off the bat.

YouTubers often referred to Leth’s Dribble Challenge as the hardest workshop map in RL. While the Eversax Challenge below stripped its crown of “toughest dribble map,” I admit Eversax relies heavily on gimmickry to attain that goal.

Meanwhile, everything you learn in Leth’s bustling 30-level Dribble Challenge translates to better on-field performance.

I’m recommending the remaster because many players experienced wonky physics in the OG. Leth built over 100 maps before tackling this remaster. This version is smooth as silk.

Eversax Dribble Challenge

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (18)

Creator: Gidek

Release Date: 2021

Skill Grade: Grand Champ +

Access Link

Video Footage

Notes: As RL’s skill ceiling continues to climb, workshop maps will follow suit. For my uninitiated readers, Eversax is a world-renowned RLCS coach. He’s led orgs such as Karmine Corp and The Gentlematesto some of the most impressive LAN results in Rocket League Esports history.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present the toughest dribble challenge ever produced. Even freestylers and pros wrestled against gimmicks on the Eversax Dribble Challenge. Many complained about moving platforms tampering with their brains.

While this map originally targeted the speedrunning community with a juicy $1,000 giveaway, it’s become a mainstay in nearly all coach-prescribed GC+ training regimens. No other dribbling map boasts the same pedigree.

You’ll be chaining air dribbles from launch pads. You get to funnel the ball through a cute little loop. You’ll traverse the most intense downhill corkscrew ever coded into an RL workshop map.

The levels are long and arduous. You won’t clear them until you’re consistent. You’d better be skilled at catching high pops, too.

Altogether, there are 20 stages… each more daunting than the last.

If Dribble 2 Overhaul and Leth’s Dribble challenge won’t suffice anymore, I’m assigning the Eversax challenge.

Godspeed, soldier.

10-Second Air Dribble Challenge

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (19)

Creator: Gidek

Release Date: 2018

Skill Grade: Platinum +

Access Link

Video Footage

Notes: This one is pretty basic. You’re quarantined in a giant sterile room. You carry the ball until fumbling. The timer starts after your first touch.

Gidek promoted this challenge across the YouTube community. Most major content creators lasted around 12 seconds. Eventually, a small YouTuber named Fancy Duck plastered the current air dribble world record of 5 hours 39 minutes and 14 seconds.

Fun times.

Anyway, if you’re aiming to hit those lawless, unlimited-boost Ganer-esque freestyle shots, don’t forget to crank your camera settings toward your car. It’ll make life easier.

For the rest of us, the air dribble challenge creates a robust exercise for understanding how our touches and momentum affect the ball.

Air Dribble Hoops

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (20)

Creator: TJbrother

Release Date: 2020

Skill Grade: Diamond +

Access Link

Video Footage

Notes: Want to hop straight into a quick and natural air dribble routine without shoveling through other crap? This map offers the most accessibility. No contest.

I admit the textures on this map look a little shaky, but hear me out:

Your target is a nice plump backboard. Instead of focusing too hard on aim, you’ll dedicate undivided attention to covering distance.

And you’ll clear some hefty gaps. Trust me.

I’d argue the early upward taps are the fattest roadblock to mastering air dribbles. You know, the gentle taps. The ones where you’re caressing the ball like she’s your beloved waifu conked out on a hospital mattress.

Our boy TJ added some awesome tools to amp up our freestyling game, too. You can pinch a few shots from walls. You’ll pop a few balls from a ground dribble. You’ll pop a few air dribbles in reverse. You’ll drive up imposing walls. You’ll encounter some nets directly above you… which makes building momentum tricky!

My opening pops for ground-to-air setups became ferocious after only a handful of sittings. Air Dribble Hoops features 21 unique levels. Enjoy!

Air Dribble Gauntlet

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (21)

Creator: Mugzrd

Release Date: 2020

Skill Grade: Grand Champ +

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Video Footage

Notes: Air Dribble Gauntlet is a gorgeously-rendered workshop map that emits serious Portal vibes. On each of the 24 levels, you’re enclosed in a new glass box. You’ll need to transport the ball from its spawn to a tiny ring isolated on the opposite end.

By level 4, you’ll be vaulting distances longer than a field. By level 7, you’ll find the ring directly below your spawn. By level 9, you’ll need to master a 180 turn.

And level 14? You’ll need to maneuver a nimble 180 while hiking a huge vertical incline. That’s usually my rage-quitting point. Believe me when I tell you that the Air Dribble Gauntlet is the hardest workshop map in circulation.

But y’all might get your kicks from excruciating challenges. And some of y’all just built different. Give her a go, if you think you’re cut from a finer cloth.

Eversax’s Olympics

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (22)

Creator: Gidek

Release Date: 2022

Skill Grade: Champ +

Access Link

Video Footage

Notes: The Olympic grounds exhibit an exemplary range of activities – perfect for tracking your overall progress.

This workshop map is a potpourri of every other workshop map in existence. There’s also an unprecedented category – Kuxir Pinches!

In each arena, you’re enlisted in a new event. Contests pitch scores based on how quickly you cross the goal line.

There’s a little boost management parkour a la the aforementioned Dacia Spring Challenge. You feast on a compact ring map. You’ll confront a dribbling challenge. It’ll also rate the speed of your flicks. One round mimics DMC’s infamous obstacle courses.

Heck, there’s even an Aim Training mockup.

It’s an adventurous playground for speedrunners and arcade leaderboard elitists. If you want to walk away with only one new workshop map today, Eversax’s Olympics covers the most turf.

The Floor is Lava

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (23)

Creator: Ebarra0

Release Date: 2019

Skill Grade: Diamond +

Access Link

Video Footage

Notes: I’ll close this section with a final dribbling workshop.

‘The Floor is Lava’ clocks in at a brief 20 levels. It’s easily exploitable. Speedrunners pinch and air dribble to shave off the majority of the course. They clear it in under a minute…

But for those of us itching to train…

This workshop map emphasizes fluidity. In other workshops, clearing a level hard-resets players on a new drop. This map provides solid platforms between levels, but your journey continues uninterrupted.

It enables options for transitions. You can open up with a bounce dribble, cut the ball directly into the next segment, or flick it away and reset when things feel dicey.

In ‘The Floor is Lava,’ You’ll need to boost down to lower platforms and follow up with catches from high altitudes. You’ll get your fair share of dribbling along walls. Most walls even replicate standardized Rocket League maps.

The decor is whack. I’m pretty sure I’ve spent hours dribbling around giant Liopleurodons. And my eyes can only handle an ocean of fluorescent orange for so long. But this workshop map excels in its field – being a quickie.

Fun RL Workshop Maps

Rocket League is a video game. It thrives on bringing joy. Disheartening losing streaks and toxic teammates cloud our realization from time to time. I get it.

Unless you’re a weirdo who smiles at photos of water steams while standing at urinals, you should cut yourself some slack.


If you want to git gud, you’ll need to stick around for the long haul. And if you want to stick it out, I suggest the occasional weekend joyride. These workshop maps will help reignite your love for the game after a long break or a particularly grueling competitive matchmaking streak.

You’ll notice Leth’s name hoisted over most of these maps. For that reason, I’ll plaster a link to his tutorial on rigging multiplayer workshop maps with friends. Nobody parallels his expertise. He’s assembled sumo maps, hide-and-seek maps, custom dropshot maps, racetracks, heatseeker maps… The list goes on.

But for now, let’s underline these gems:

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (24)

Zelda Clock Town

Creator: Leth

Notes: An enormous Zelda hide-and-seek map? Um.. yes, please! Your little matchbox car dwarfs the market district stairs, yet you can ascend the clock tower. You can navigate an intricate underground tunnel network. And you can do it all without facing the wrath of loading screens. As a Zelda Challenge Run fanatic, I’m astonished by this workshop map’s faithfulness to Majora’s Mask. I’m speechless.

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (25)

“Rocket Guys”

Creator: Leth

Notes: This is a literal Fall Guys map. It’s a battle-royale wipeout map highlighting enough fluorescent colors to model a line of 80s workout clothing.

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (26)

Big Blue

Creator: Leth

Notes: F-Zero has some diehard fans. There are dozens of us. Of course, the franchise doesn’t get much love these days. Leth took the liberty of replicating its most iconic track. A heroic gesture, really.

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (27)

Yoshi’s Circuit

Creator: de thanrek

Notes: This trendsetter simulated the first Mario Kart map in Rocket League. I, for one, feel ecstatic about it. Speedrunners relish it, too!

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (28)

Wario’s Goldmine

Creator: Leth

Notes: Mario Kart Wii was the best installment in the series. Fight me. Better yet, enjoy derailing your favorite Scarab preset on Leth’s spicy workshop map. The execution is brilliant. You’ll get rumble power-ups every 5 seconds. The turbo pads refill your boost gauge. The respawn points are fair. Wario’s Goldmine in Rocket League is a total blast!

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (29)

Notes: Whether your nostalgia resides in Skate 3 or Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3, this map kickstarts an unforgettable teary-eyed trip down memory lane. It’s full of kicker boxes, half pipes, and rails. And it’s all yours to explore.

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (30)

Moist Skate Park (with ball)

Creator: Moist Camel

Notes: If you’re more objective-oriented, this skatepark bestows a ball. It’s small, but it’s brimming with launch pads. It features some hoops to bob through while hurling yourself through Gnar-Vana, too.

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (31)

‘Among Us’ Simulator

Creators: Leth, Gidek, Cinderblock

Notes: Anyone still claiming Among Us was a fad lives in denial, and here’s my proof. Among Us blossomed into a cultural phenomenon. Now you can play a functional version while driving an Octane. Mini-games and all.

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (32)

Dart Board

Creator: Leth

Notes: Grab a buddy and fling some balls at a dartboard. ‘Nuff said.

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (33)

Dual Pinball

Creator: Leth

Notes: Challenge your partners to a few games of pinball. It’s Soccar with a massive barrier to boom the ball over between sides. Driving on a pinball table tests your true inner-rocketeer. Use it to settle debates on who’s got the smoother brain.

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (34)

Minecraft Stadium

Creator: Leth

Notes: Here’s a standard Rocket League stadium, except it’s full of blocks! With Tetris and Minecraft being the two best-selling games, there’s no argument that low-poly building blocks drive a colossal selling point. You can play this masterpiece as a free-for-all, a standard 3v3, or just explore inside the buildings in a round of hide-and-seek!

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (35)

Air Dribble Melee

Creator: TJBrother

Notes: Freestylers unite! This inventive PvP workshop map rotates players between offensive and defensive spawns. Your goal? Dunking opponents with the nastiest air dribbles fathomable.

The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (36)

Notes: Do you ever miss GLADoS’s witty banter shuffling in the background as you solve her enticing series of Portal Gun puzzle tests? Well, today we’ll replace GLADoS with our own menacing internal monologue. We’ll fumble through switches and levers. We’ll overcome cunning escape room puzzles tethered to RL’s grueling physics engine. Good luck! Go do a flip reset off the Companion Cube for me, will ya?

Optimizing Your Workshop Map Training Routine

To get the most out of these maps, you’ll want to hit them at the start of every session. I’d say a minimum of 20 minutes for warming up, and no greater than 40 minutes to avoid burnout.

If you can afford the time, a small 10-minute cooldown run is the perfect way to bow off a session.

Rotate your maps every two or three nights. End each week with a day off.

And the next time someone blurts out “Training in main menu,” you can laugh it off. Because you’re three steps ahead of that guy. Frankly, you may never read that message again.

That’s a fat W.

Anyway, that wraps up RL’s best workshop maps. Best of luck on your grind, Rocketeers! Feel free to drop a follow on social for updates on new content. Stay classy, and thanks for reading.

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The Sky is The Limit: 34 STELLAR Rocket League Workshop Maps (2024)


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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