The Best Rocket League Workshop Maps - Indie Game Culture (2024)

Table of Contents

  • My Bottom-line Up Front
  • Selection Criteria
  • What are the Best Rocket League Workshop Maps?
  • Aim Trainer by CoCo
  • Lethamyr's Giant Rings Map
  • Speed Jump Trails 1 by DMC
  • Speed Jump Rings 3 by DMC
  • Dribble 2 Overhaul
  • Noob dribble by DMC
  • Eversax Dribble Challenge by Gidex
  • Dacia Spring Electric Challenge
  • Air Dribble Gauntlet
  • Wildcards
    • Rocket Guys, a Fall Guys-themed map
    • Yoshi's Circuit, a Mario Kart-themed map
    • Among Us in Rocket League, no need to explain here.
  • FAQs
    • Question: Can you still play workshop maps on Rocket League?
    • Question: How do you get Rocket League Workshop maps?
    • Question: Can you Play Workshop Maps on Console?
  • Parting Words

Workshop maps are revolutionary to Rocket League. In the past, free play and training pipes were the only way to improve. Although they are not the best ways, I still advise you to try them.

However, workshop maps help you isolate what I call raw mechanics. These fundamental core mechanics of the game give you an overall understanding of how your car moves: ground car control, aerial car control, and overall ball control. Of course, these go into different subcategories like drift control, aerial control, dribbling, etc.

Workshop maps do the best job of helping you focus on either of these raw mechanics. Combining the best Rocket League workshop maps with free play is the quickest way to improve from not playing around.

In this guide, I’ll be going through what I believe are the best ways to improve in Rocket League’s workshop maps, as well as some fun crossover maps that can be fun to avoid burnout. Vroom vroom, everyone. Time to train and git gud.

My Bottom-line Up Front

I know you came here to grab some workshop map names to git gud, so I don’t blame you if you want to walk out after a TL; DR. But hey, maybe you could make some effort to go through the actual list to know which skill is covered by each map, which level of players it’s aimed at, and my personal experience with them. Did I mention you will also get to grab some fun game crossover maps on your way out?

  • Aim Trainer by CoCo
  • Lethamyr’s Giant Rings Map
  • Speed Jump Trails 1 by DMC
  • Speed Jump Rings 3 by DMC
  • Noob dribble by DMC
  • Dribble 2 Overhaul
  • Eversax Dribble Challenge by Gidex
  • Dacia Spring Electric Challenge
  • Air Dribble Gauntlet

Selection Criteria

Why do I think these workshop maps are the best? Well, the reason they are on this list has to do with either the map’s effectiveness or the amount of content it provides. Also, workshop maps can get boring and routine-like fast.

The content is diverse and entertaining, or training will feel like a chore. However, if the map made me better at the game, and if it offers more than just one superficial, repetitive level, then it’s on this list.

Read also: The Best Rocket League Cars

What are the Best Rocket League Workshop Maps?

Aim Trainer by CoCo

The Best Rocket League Workshop Maps - Indie Game Culture (1)

  • Access Link
  • Skill covered: Aiming
  • Aimedat: Skilled players

This is literally like an aim lab for Rocket League. All you must do is shoot the ball at the green squares. This helps with one of the most important, if not the most critical, aspects of the game: accuracy and shooting.

Accuracy and consistency are arguably one of the most crucial and most difficult skills in Rocket League. If it’s shooting we are talking about, there’s always room for improvement, no matter how many hours you play or what rank you are. Even the best players in the world can have difficulties making the most effortless shots.

So, a workshop map like this caters to everyone who plays this game. Plus, the green squares can appear from anywhere along the floor to anywhere along the ceiling. That means it’s not only helping with shooting at the goal but also, it’s helping with passing up the field and just the accuracy of your hits.

In general, this workshop map has three difficulties. I suggest starting with easy to see how you find it, and if it isn’t challenging enough for you, I suggest going on normal difficulty. There is also a survival mode, but I don’t personally recommend it. More options include random target sizes, random ball distances, and random ball drops.

When I use this map, I always select all three because having a completely different shot to hit every round builds muscle memory and gives you this game-like situation. This is why I prefer this workshop map to regular shooting training packs. These mod options prepare you with hundreds of different shooting or passing scenarios, whereas a training pack will only prepare you for maybe ten or twenty.

Therefore, the chances of having an opening in games are much smaller. In addition, doing this workshop map from ten to twenty minutes daily can help your shooting feel much more consistent.

Lethamyr’s Giant Rings Map

The Best Rocket League Workshop Maps - Indie Game Culture (2)

  • Access Link
  • Skill covered: Aerials
  • Aimed at: Experienced players

This map probably doesn’t even need an introduction. Rings maps have always been the most popular workshop maps. They look nice and are always fun to play, no matter what level your mechanics are.

As you probably already know, Lethamyr’s Giant Rings focuses on aerial control. Aerial control is significant in Rocket League. I spend around 30% to 40% of my game in the air. That shows how crucial it is to have reasonable aerial control. Even though it is not common to go for aerials at the lower ranks, once you hit around Platinum, you want a solid foundation for aerial control. This is so you can at least make aerial saves and score some aerial hits you wouldn’t usually make.

For experts, I had to go for Lethamyr’s Giant Range Map. This is also a range map similar to the previous course. However, three main differences make this map exceedingly harder than others.

Firstly, the size of the rings shrinks the further you go. So, you’ll start from big boy rings to microscopic-size rings. Secondly, this map has sharp turns that require very accurate aerial control, and they will catch you off guard, especially if it’s your first time through the course. And thirdly, this map is far longer than the previous ones. I’d say almost five times as long as the previous map.

This map has a vast dynamic of obstacles and twists that you need to get through to finish the level. And every one of these levels is super fun and challenging, which makes it easy to spend hours just going through the level, and it’s what I believe is the best way to learn aerial.

Aerial is a complicated mechanic to learn. It takes a lot of time, so it can be a drag to spend so many hours into doing something boring. However, with this map, it was a blast. I would sometimes spend up to 3 hours at a time in it just trying to learn aerial. I like to say I have reasonable aerial control, but these ring maps can take me from 15 to 20 minutes to finish after hundreds of hours put into these maps.

My first time on this map, I got the lowest seven within 30 minutes. Sure, I messed up a lot, but even though this is one of the most complex aerial training maps, it’s also the one that has helped me fine-tune my skill the absolute most.

Speed Jump Trails 1 by DMC

The Best Rocket League Workshop Maps - Indie Game Culture (3)

For novice or starting players, the Speed Jump Trails map by DMZ is one of the most accessible maps to get into when learning how to do aerial. This map contains a variety of levels with obstacles that you will have to avoid. However, these obstacles are relatively significant, so there’s plenty of room for mistakes in always ample opportunity for growth, especially for new players.

Speed Jump Rings 3 by DMC

The Best Rocket League Workshop Maps - Indie Game Culture (4)

  • Access Link
  • Skills covered: Aerials
  • Aimed at: Skilled players

Next will be the Speed Jump Rings 3, also by DMC. The guy is fantastic.

The Speed Jump Rings 3 map is a step up from your ordinary course because it includes rings. And not just any rings, different-sized rings: from big to small to tiny to weenie rings that you’ll have to shoot your car through.

Adding rings to the mix instantly makes the course more challenging since the opticals are smaller. However, this allows you to finetune the existing skills you have gained from the previous map, which is fantastic.

Dribble 2 Overhaul

The Best Rocket League Workshop Maps - Indie Game Culture (5)

  • Access link
  • Skill covered: Dribbling
  • Aimed at: Experienced players

This was the first map I installed when I got Rocket League on my PC. It focuses on dribbling. For the most part, a few levels focus on control, but a few also focus on air dribbling. There are 30 levels for you to go through, with an increase in difficulty as you go along. The first level asks you to dribble in a straight line, but towards the end of the map, you need to do all sorts of jumps and sharp turns.

This map took me hours to complete. When I first started playing it, I would sometimes get stuck on a level, and it would take me hundreds of tries to get it. Dribbling is an absolute necessity in Rocket League. Sometimes everyone looks at pros doing slip research and ceiling shots and instantly tries replicating them.

Being able to control the ball on top of your car is as, if not more critical, especially in the higher ranks. Fitting the ball however you want is just so important, and I think the lower ranks would benefit even more if they just put as much time into the flicks instead of doing these different types of areas.

Noob dribble by DMC

The Best Rocket League Workshop Maps - Indie Game Culture (6)

This map is perfect for beginners and is very forgiving, allowing you to make more mistakes and learn at your own pace.

This map does not require you to have the ball in your car. I believe you can beat the entire map with the ball on the ground, and you’re just pushing it around. Also, the tracks are much more comprehensive than the other dribble maps available, and I’d highly recommend this map to bronze the platform players.

If you’re fresh to Rocket League and trying to get your bearings on how to dribble the ball, this map will help you immensely.

Eversax Dribble Challenge by Gidex

The Best Rocket League Workshop Maps - Indie Game Culture (7)

  • Access Link
  • Skill covered: Dribbling
  • Aimed at: Experienced players

This map is more of a transition map rather than a 100% dribble map. This map starts you off with obstacle courses related to ground dribbling. Later within the map, you’ll find yourself flying through the sky and doing air dribbling.

I myself haven’t been able to make it that far in the map, but I have seen others do this map, and it seems to be extremely hard unless you are high rank where you can probably deal with it. So, this is a good map if you already have your bearings with ground dribbling or maybe even air dribbling, and you want something to push your limits.

Dacia Spring Electric Challenge

The Best Rocket League Workshop Maps - Indie Game Culture (8)

  • Access Link
  • Skill covered: mixed
  • Aimed at: Skilled players

This map focuses on mechanics and skills that aren’t spoken about that much: boost management, recovery mechanics, and keeping momentum.

The Dacia challenge is a 20-level obstacle course where you have to grab all the checkpoints and get to the finish line. There are four difficulties depending on your rank, so I suggest you choose the right difficulty. You have a little boost, and each checkpoint you get gives you a bit more boost to complete the level. Now, every fourth level is a timed level, so you will not be able to finish the level unless you complete it within the set time.

Playing this map made me realize how bad my boost management is, considering I was finding the champion level difficult. But as I started to play it more, I completed the highest difficulty recovery mechanics.

Keeping momentum is a crucial skill that usually gets better with time. The better recovery mechanics you have, the more you can keep momentum. The more you can keep momentum, the less boost you waste and the faster you are as a player.

Playing this training map has improved my recovery, making my movement much smoother. So, I suggest you try this map out because it improves your gameplay.

Air Dribble Gauntlet

The Best Rocket League Workshop Maps - Indie Game Culture (9)

  • Access Link
  • Skill covered: Air dribble control
  • Aimed at: Experienced players with a death wish

This is a workshop map that focuses on air dribble control.

It’s the most difficult map I’ve ever played. I can barely get past level four, and there are 24 different levels to play through. While I don’t advise that you need to be able to complete this map, being able to do the first five to ten levels consistently will level up your aerial mechanics.

However, if you want to become a freestyler, I suggest you try this map.


The following maps may not have been designed with the intent to help you improve your skills but to entertain you and make you go down a nostalgia trip.

In any case, it doesn’t hurt to hone your skills as you have some fun, too. Thus, here are some fun crossover maps that will undoubtedly have several of your Rocket League skills improved while keeping you entertained.

Rocket Guys, a Fall Guys-themed map

The Best Rocket League Workshop Maps - Indie Game Culture (10)

Lethamyr wanted to transform the Slime Climb level of Fall Guys into a Rocket League track: the vehicle must dodge obstacles, avoid platforms and keep climbing this mountain of challenges before the slime reaches its rear wheels. Therefore, the stage has been conveniently enlarged so that the vehicle can skid, launch itself into the air, and bounce off the map so as not to deviate from its objective.

While the stage is still missing some features, such as movement on obstacles or spinning hammers, it’s undoubtedly a near-perfect recreation of Slime Climb.

Yoshi’s Circuit, a Mario Kart-themed map

The Best Rocket League Workshop Maps - Indie Game Culture (11)

Youtuber Thankrek has designed a mod capable of transferring the essence of a franchise as popular as Mario Kart, one of the hallmarks of the Big N since its inception, to a game like Rocket League, with which it will keep more similarities than ever.

Using the elements developed by Psyonix, this modder has created up to ten circuits that perfectly reproduce some of the most emblematic scenarios of the Nintendo saga.

Among Us in Rocket League, no need to explain here.

The Best Rocket League Workshop Maps - Indie Game Culture (12)

Gidek, Cinderblock, and Corina dedicated themselves entirely to tasks such as 3D modeling, texturing, coding and mods to ensure you had a 100% Among Us experience from the comfort of your seats.

And they didn’t lie; from your Rocket League car, you can go around accomplishing tasks, and the impostor will hunt down the rest of the crew to eliminate them and sabotage the ship. Then, the rest of the characters can call emergency meetings.


Question: Can you still play workshop maps on Rocket League?

Answer: As of 2022, you can still play workshop maps on Rocket League… if you are a Steam player. However, Epic Games players can only load Workshop Maps into the game through mods like Workshop Map Loader & Downloader.

Question: How do you get Rocket League Workshop maps?

Answer: You can access the maps mentioned in this guide by clicking on the link under each map name. In addition, you can use that link and find loads and other workshop maps in the Steam Community.

Question: Can you Play Workshop Maps on Console?

Answer: The short, sad answer to this question is no. Workshop maps are only available on Steam, and as Steam is not available on the PS or the XBOX, you can only download and play workshop maps if you are a PC player.

Parting Words

Most Rocket League players currently play the standard game mode and the ordinary modes, be it 1vs1, 2vs2, or 3vs3, as well as the extra game modes such as basketball, drop ship, or rumble. However, there are countless ways to play Rocket League, especially if you discover the wonderful world of workshops.

These workshop maps have been a massive help for me as a player since I first got my PC a year ago. Practicing these every day has made my mechanics so much better. The more I see improvements in my mechanics, the more motivated I get to train them. It’s just so much fun playing these workshop maps that I had to go and share them with you.

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Candela Maldonado

Candela, a localisation specialist for video games by trade, is also a tenured and passionate video game journalist with a keen interest in Indie gaming. She has a deep adoration for tough challenges like Cuphead, but equally, can lose herself in the frantic multiplayer frenzy that is Rocket League. She loves the variety that Indie gaming provides, making her a wonderful asset to the Indie Game Culture team.

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The Best Rocket League Workshop Maps - Indie Game Culture (2024)


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.