Journal Gazette from Mattoon, Illinois (2024)

DAILY JO.UENAL-GAZETTE WIATHU Fair, continued warm, followed by tottered thundeohoweri In northweit Ut S-jrtdjy, Monday cooler. Year. No. 182 toWrwd oond cla ana atur lUttooo. nnoott MATTOON, II MS, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 30, 1MI AS Rmom 190 rric Cmu Tr TI TTTl 1 ii ii ii i i i i ii rimes ir uet TODAYS WAt Utyri TOOAY VA1IT ADS OVIX 7.000 CIRCULATION 'J (N4 1U faM, AJVt'J TT5) -Tl harp Cut in NonDef ense Spemdin 10 WHIPS, TRANSPORTS Job Hack Gets New Power SEIIATFS TAX NOTICE The Journal-Gaiettf will nor be published Monday, Sept.

1, Labor Day. TKe officet and plants of The Journal Giicrte and Ga-lette Printing Company will be closed throughout the day. BILL CALLS FOR nil STEADY GAINS REPORTED EOR LOCAL AIRPORT Two-Story Building: to He Completed Soon; U. S. CONSIDERS PROPOSALS BY JAPAN Nippon Reported Willing to Trade Concessions SUNK IN 3 DAYS 62 Others Crippled in Operations Off Finland arid Estonia BT PIERRE J.

1TC88 (I. N. 8. Staff Cerreapandesit) Berlin In a veritable death blow to Russia's Baltic fleet, the Oerman navy and air force have sunk 103 Red wart hip and transports and crippled 63 more in only three daya of i.operatlona off Finland and Estonia, Chancellor ID tier's field Economy, Plus Revenue, May Meet Twd- 12,000 Hum Lindbergh and BY KINGSBURY RMITII Thirds of Expenses BY WILLIAM 8. NEAL (L N.

S. duff C'ormpondrnt) Washington A drastic reduction (1. N. R. Staff Correipondent) Washington With the fate of the Wltpplpr ir Eut aeeo'hangtng In the bal- LHi If IILLILI In non-defense expenditures wi One Hangar in Use The Mattoon airport, four mllea eaat of thia city, la growing steadily.

Carl Smith, owner and operator, aald today. A new two-story frame building will have five-room living? quartera on the second floor and a restaurant, claaa room and repair shop on the first floor, ia nearlng completion. It probably EXPECT MANY TO ATTEND HORSE SHOW Entries for Labor Day Event Exceed Early Estimates Mattooners are looking forward to a pleasant week-end with plana practically complete for the American Legion's First Annual All Society Horse Show to be held at Kmsel Field Monday afternoon and evening. Entries late Friday had exceeded the expectations of the committee in charge, and from the street comments heard 'today, hundreds of persons are planning to attend. pm In Prises.

Prizes aggregating g-ROO have been offered in 15 events. The afternoon program will get under way at 2 o'clock with the presentation of the colors by Lawrence Riddle Post No. 88 of the American Legion. One for handy stock farm horses, 'carries no cash prte, but three ribbons will be awarded on the basts of 50 per cent horse and 50 per cent horsemanship. Other classes for farm horsey will be best draft mare In hand, best draft stallion and best draft gelding.

A feature of the evening program. Oklahoma, City. Okla. (11) Pleadmg "fomertarQrl-lnte-entlon In the war, Charles A. Lindbergh today left an assurance ance, Department today atudled a number of specific proposals contained In Japan's peace message to the United States.

Exact Natare Secret- foreeen tcdty by Senator George (D) of Oeorgla, chairman of the powerful 8enate finance committee, as, be prepared to seek passage next week of a record-shatterln 400.00 Ui blU. that America Is safe from air in- Exact nature of the proposals oris wlth IT 000 persona eho an amateur baseball made by Japanese Prime Minister hrd If rrn lahoma. City Frl- park outside day night. The new tax bill, plus a slash in non-essential expenditures, will go far to rut the annual1 treasury deficit! and be a powerful tag factor against Inflation, he said. Fumlmaro Konoye in rrU personal mea-sage to President Roosevelt a closely guarded nerret.

but the proposal are understood to be specific In character. A report current In one diplomatic The crowd, which was approximately half the number for which preparations had been made, gath ered at the ball park for the Amer- May fd 4 Billion While trie JatesJ treasury estimate places the yield of the bill framed by the finance committee at quarter Indicated Japan Is willing Jra tne to make a small but Important num headquarter asserted today. Mines, bombe and sheila account ed for the worst Russian naval defeat Inflicted alnce the cxir's grand fleet was shattered in the Russo-Japanese war. the Oermaru said. During the List day of the gl-gantlc land and sea fight, as Tallinn and Baltic Port fell to the 60 Red warships were sunk and 54 more damaged.

Ron InW Mine Field. Toward the end of the battle Ger man mine-layers and planes lay a great new mine field In the Gulf of Finland, and the fleeing Red warships ran into it. according to Oerman O. H. Q.

The navy and Luftwaffe were credited In three di with sinking 37 large and small Red warships and 65 transport vessels. Eight fighting ships and 54 transporta were damaged. Only a few Soviet submarines in the Baltic sea, and some Soviet naval units bottled up at Leningrad and Kronstadt remain factors in the Rod navy. Another Soviet "debacle" Is taking shape at Leningrad. German authorities said, as German reinforcements rushed to aid the troops hammering at the northern Russian Washington observers forecast big things In the defense program fr Donald M.

NeUon. above, following his appointment by President Roosevelt as executive director of the new Supply Priorities and Allocation Board. President at Home for Labor Day Week-End BY GEORGE DUB NO (I. N. 8.

Staff Correspondent) Highlands. N. Y. President Roosevelt came back to his Hudson will be ready for uae three weeks. Mr.

Smith aald. May lloiine Blg I'Une. One hangar la now in use and there la a good poattrbility that another will be conatructed within the next few month, if. a plan being considered at the present time ma-terlatlzea. No names were revealed, but Mr.

Smith aald, be Is nearly certain a twin-motored, 12-pas-aenger Lockheed cabin plane will be located at the firld by Oct 1 for regular use by officials of a certain company. Workmen will start grading and oiling one runway of the airport next week, Mr. Smith aaid. The runway will extend north and south and will be 1,800 feet long 400.000, George believes It will pro- Despite provisions of the draft art. duee about

Sylvester Cam's Job wasn't open Th rnmmiiM vt in motion a when he was released from the program to slash non-defense ex- Army. U. S. District Attorney pendltum by calling on the Budget Harold M. Kennedy of Brooklyn Bureau for a special report and went to bat and now Carra.

above, recommending creation of a joint la back at comparable work In same City Council had denied the committee use of the Municipal Auditorium for Lindbergh's address. Lindbergh devoted mem of his talk to the capabilities of military aviation. He said that he had become convinced there mere two natural air powers In the world, Germany and the- United States, and that neither couldaltack the other successfully. Sen. Burton Kk Wheeler of Montana, non-lntervrntlonlst leader, also spoke.

He called the Roosevelt-Churchill elght-pQlniprogram, ber of concessions lo the United States In return for a considerably larger number of concessions by this country. Concessions which Japan Is considered likely to want from thU country as the basis for a general understanding In the Pacific are believed to Include the following, 1 Resumption of trade between the two countries: 2 Relaxation of the American freezing order against Japanese assets In this country; which Is scheduled to start promptly at 8 o'clock, will a high school valley home today for the Labor Benate-House committee to work factory. wltli Secretary of the Treasury Execute 8 More 1 believe that economy In non- Ifn PnriQ detente expenditure, plua the new irICfi III I HI tax 'bill, may enable us to comeclose nmn Tipiipy to the treasury program of paying LjWJxll UK, ills I and 300 feet wide. Another run- 'xay week-end. possibly prepared to- exhibition horse.

Cloud," St. way, east-west, will be prepared shed further light on the position Louis national champion. The horse and prospects of the United States will be ahown by owner, Charles In the ever-tensing war situation Easter of Paris. There will be' a both In Europe and the Far East class for ponies' in harness, 50 per The chief executive has an on- cent pony and 50 per cent op 3 Abandonment of the policy of agreea upon in eir meeting at sea. later.

It will be nearly a mile long and 300 feet wide. Six rianes Here. Six privately owned planes are In operation at the airport at prea- encirclement of Japan by the so- "a terrlbl collection of pious plati-called ABCD powers America, tudes" arid declared: portunity to speak about the critical manshlp.J Other events at. the eve- gtronghold two-thirds of our said George. This ought to be of material aid In preventing ruinous Inflation." Taxes te Ge Higher.

"A foreign policy based upon subterfuge deception secrecy and Britain. China and the Dutch East Indies; ent All are aingle-motored light dgyj ahead this afternoon, when he nlng show will be three and five Mines blocklrur the eulf of Fin. 4 A definite limit on the extent spitridus, irrational and unscientific Vichy (INS Execution of eight men. Including a French naval lieutenant commander and a Dutch business man on charges of espionage and anti-German Communist demonstrations, was announced In Paris today. "The" lieutenant commander.

Count Henri Louis Destienne Dorves. had reasoning characterizes the present American foreign policy." two-passenger pianes. makM nU nuai appearance be- Wlth Increasing frequency the fore the Roosevelt Home Club. Mattoon field 1. being used by (ly- wa that era from other clUes, tothjrivate RooMV(lt would JV9 and commerctaL-The lateet -fl Ubor payal) the aec- Ing plane was a'Stlnson Voyager.

nn, nf rrfrmnv in. of American aid to China and to 8oviet Russia via Vladivostok. In return for these concessions. It is believed Japan is willing to give gaitea saddle norses, woman naer. landi incessant attacks by the Luft-open, fine harness horse and local and shelling by German flve-gaited pleasure horse.

artjUery blasted the Soviet Cameron Coming. fleet in the Baltic, and escape for "4A. B. Cameron, who owns the the remainder now Is cut off, it 5vas Forest View Stables at Mortotj! said. Grove has entered three of his Two Russian destroyers, nine Senator Capper.

(R) of Kansas, veteran mirter of the finance committee, predicted the tax bl will be followed by another big" measure next year. He said It will be' approved by the Senate with Repub assurances she will not attack Amer- PAY RESPECTS TO MRS. BARRETT a three-passenger Job owned by vasl(m of whlch plunged aU Dutch interests in the Nelson Weber of Springfield. Mr southern Pacific. Europe into another holocaust.

He top-notch horses, in- the show. They mine-sweepers, and three patrol are Valorous Val. Sergeant York and boats were sunk by Oerman mine hinted as much Just before leaving Weber was here Thursday on bus lness. lican jupport. Taxee will go still higher in the future," he aald.

"We have got to Forest View Peavine. All three operations in the gulf of Finland Washington when asked to give an a time in tne rTee rrencn iurce of Geri Charles De Gaulle, It was announced. He was one of three of the condemned men who were accused of espionage. The latest executions, carried out by firing squads, brought to 11 the Twelve men and three women estimate of the American position horses have been consistent money Friday.J a communique said, Toklo (INS) Demands for a Japanese-dominated "new order in East Asia" peace overtures by Premier Prince Konoye notwithstanding were hummered home once more in Twenty-five members of the Daughters of Isabella of Matloon went to West Union Friday evening to say prayers for Mrs. Paul F.

Barrett, whose body was resting are taking ground achool instruc winners in shows throughout the have higher taxes for a good many years. We've got to raise the money. We didn't go far enough in this bUL favor pretty much a pay-as- state. number of executed since red- high quarters today. 'at the home of her parents, Mr.

tiona each Tuesday evening in classes conducted in the Association of Commerce building. The classes will be held in the airport class room aa soon as the new at the moment. On Labor Day. President Roosevelt will wind up a dramatically staged program with a 10-minute prepared address between 11 and 13 o'clock Monday morning (C. S.

attempted to As Nippon awaited a reply from and Mrs. L. A. Manhart. haired Paul Colette assassinate former plan." BenaSk- Byrd.

(D of Virginia, aid theV new blU will "-shock the DOVE SEASON TO OPEN MONDAY Mrs. president Roosevelt to tne premier Those in the party were personal message asking for con- Robert J. Welsh, Mrs. L. Lyons, building is completed.

Fourteen sulta tjotis, on peace in the Paclf ic- Paul Bea.ll.-Mrs. Or Jr-AUeog -of-the-personsmre from Mattoon the President Moscpw-INS "Stubborn fighting on the whole front" was announced by the Soviet high command today while a supplementary military man soldiers were killed in futile attacks on, a city Identified only aa A new communique said: "Stubborn fighting continued Friday night and on the whole front "A Soviet submarie sank a Fascist submarine in the Black sea Moscow also reported destruction of a large Nazi troop train at War- This afternoon, clear indications were given that Ja- ge, Mrs. James V. Sullivan, Mrs. Springfield.

111. JlNS) Hunters were reminded today by State Con- makes his annual to that group pan has no intention of swerving Roy Rowe, Mrs. Helen Oonsldlne, when people begin feeling It full effect next year. "Just think," he exclaimed, "this blU levies more taxes than the tacome of the government in 1029 and It Is in addition to already high Pierre Laval and "collaborationist" Editor MarcelDeat. At his latest questioning by authorities, young Colette jjeplared: "I acted alone." "I wanted to defend my Ideals and suppress the rising French with Germany.

VI could not do better than shoot from its principle of an Asiatic Mrs. Anne L. Ryan, Mrs. Paul All- and the other, a woman, ia from Humboldt. To Start Flying Course.

A civilian pilot training course, part of a nation-wide program "new order." of home county supporters who servation Director. L. E. Osborne banded themselves into the Rooee- that the mourning dove season in velt Home Club soon after he em- Illinois will open Labor Day, Sept erged on the national scene. l.

The season lasts throughout the cott, Mrs. O. B. Tuttle, Mrs. Frank Fuesting, Mrs.

C. A. Welton, Mrs. Martha Chamberlin, Mrs. Anna sponsored and bald for hv th aH.

taxes." The new measure boosts the fed This ceremony as usual will take month of September, from Sept. 1 Balmer, Mrs. Mark McAndrew, eral rovernment k- J. H. RAWLINGS DIES IN K0K0M0, IND.

eral tax bill approximately 45 al and Deat." per Lav to 30, inclusive. Bag limits lor apvea Misses Mary Mansfield, Helen Bray, started at the lolcal field earlv in Place from a pine board cent, and Is expected to hike fed It was expected Colette would will remain the same as last year saw by saboteurs. Loretto Fields, Dorothy Moran, Har jseptemoer, Mr. Smith, said. The BlBim "ecueu "1C course will consist of actual ''flight P0" of Moses Smlth 4116 V5- be brought to trial in Paris today.

Since he has already confessed, it was generally expected he rlett Neill, Florence Phelan, Gertrude Beall, Margaret Sexton, Sue Sexton and Beatrice Moreau. Rob ldent's tenant farmer. daily bag 12 and possession limit 12. Osborne pointed out the federal government had closed the mourning dove season in many states this James Henry Rawling, 84, a former employe of the Chuse Engine Works: in city, died Thursday era! revenues nextjear to about $12,800,000,000. FIND OIL SATURATION instruction.

The starting class probably will consist of ten per- Another communique reported heavy losses for the. Luftwaffe. It announced that between Aug. 21 and 27 at least 500 German planes were shot down or destroyed on the ground, while the Russian air force lost 262. machines.

will be guillotined. In recent yars, Mr. Roosevelt always has spoken Informally and ert J. Welsh also went 'isons, which is the usual number Laval, whose condition was wdrse evening at the home of a daughter year but that conditions in Illinois jrienaa -1 extemporaneously his Friday, enjoyed a slight improve- tt.oKomo.rina.. louowing yera for a city the size of Mattoon, Mr.

Smith aaid. nave Deen jucn mere euuuiu illness ment today. The latest bulletin said and neighbors." But speaking extemporaneously, the President has Funeral services were held for Mrs. Barrett and her daughter, Paula Jane, at St. Mary's Catholic church in Marshall at 9 o'clock this iMvmlnrr TPei hflr TP T.

a yxt1ot rf be a sufficient supply, of doves to Funeral services, were to be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the Laval spent a quiet night. Deat a condition remained unchanged. managed to break some Important news stories, Moose Home irpco*komo with burlaf III RARDIN WELL The possibility of new oil po.l for Coles county appeared bright today with recovery of oil at J. J. Wllderman's No.

"2 Rev. S. P. Taylor, ec. 33-14n-10e, three-quarters of a mll northeast of Rardln.

Saturation was recovered In an JOHN LINDER DIES AT AGE OF 89 following in Crown Point cemetery, Burial was in St. Mary's CHICAGOAN HURT IN CRASH NEAR ARCOLA high mass, cemetery. CLAIM HITLER HAS 64,319 IN ARGENTINA Mr. Rawlings was born in Pa-tcka, April 22, 1857. He moved to Mattoon when a child and resided here until 1916 when he inoved MRS.

L. WALKER. DIES; RITES MONDAY John Linder, 89, died early today at the home of a son, John Linder 1104 Shelby avenue. Frank Hawks of Chicago was riven treatment in Memorial Hos- unidentified limestone formation Buencs Aires ins Sensational CITY TO OBSERVE LABOR DAY Virtually all persona'in Mattoon and vicinity today looked forward to the annual Labor Day holiday and participation in various individually-planned events to bring the summer season officially to a close. All local banks, building and loan associations, the Illinois State Employment Service office and to Kokomo.

He married Miss Belle SEEK EARLY TRIAL OF SEX SLAYER OF TEN topped at' 202 feet. Th9 lime carried claims that Chancellor Hitler con- Mcintosh In November, 1884 Mrs. Frank L. Walker, 85, died pital early today for slight injuries with whom he had made his home at her home, 3200 Marion avenue, BUffered in an automobile accident for the past five years. Mr.

Rawlings Is survive by ason, Dale of Kokomo; five daughters, saturation to 242 feet, and immediately below that depth a sand, believed the Westfield, was ound have saturation. The well was drilled 14 feet into the sand. Mrs. Charles Burwell, Mrs. trols no less than 64,319 "men of action" in Argentina "were advanced today by the Argentine congressional committee investigating subversive activities.

In a nrellminarv report on its Washington (ft)Police moved swiftly today to bring to trial Jarvls It. Catoe, confessed attack-slayer, as the 36-year-old Negro boosted the list of his victims to 10 and de The operator was bailing oil from Cross and W. A.x Paxton of Mattoon, Mrs. Russell Watkins and lrs. Richard Aldrldge of Kokomo, 11 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.

at' 6:30 o'clock this morning of a near cerebral hemorrhage. She suffer- He was treated for, small cuts ed a stroke four days ago. and a large "bump" on his head. Brief funeral services will be Mr. Hawks then left the hospital held at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon Police had no report of the acci- at the family home, with dent.

Graham Walker officiating. Bur- ial will be in Dodge Grove ceme- tery. -iLoser in Love Uses the hole today and plans to acidize finding the committee recom Graveside services will be held at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon in the Odd Fellow cemetery at Woodlawn with the Woodlawn Methodist minister officiating. Mr. Linder, who would have been 90 years old Dec.

4, was born In Washington county, near Nashville, Dec. 4, 1851, a son of Mr. and Mrs. James Lipder. He lived on a farm near Woodlawn 63 yeara.

clared he was with, nearly all business houses will "be the lime andshoot the mended immediate suppression of "closed throughout Monday. his life for te crimes. District alrthedttter'said No oroduetlon estimates were all Nazi and pro-Nazi organizations they made, but an independent operator jn Argentina. would demand the death penalty for "Who viewed the well late Friday said The report inpluded copies of doc- Kentucky Village umenta seized in recent raids- on rdSrAmmbniafor Revenge ville, headquarters qf German "cultural Welcomes Qliads and for the past five years had he believed the well capable making 20 to 30 barrels of oil a day. The lime stone is said to carry higher gravity oil than the sand and oenevoieni societies in Argen- Una, and these documents were de Leitchfield, Ky.

(INS) -rThe and was as "$2" oil. clared to have proved the Nazis Meanwnile, No. 1 Rfev. S. P.

Taylor counted pn the aid of more than village of Leitchfield today staged-a "home-coming" celebration for the Lashley quadruplets, John, Mildred, Martine and Beulah. The quads, now six months old, were born to the John Lash- made his home "with his son and daughter-in-law. In this city. He married Miss funice Whitlock, in 1877. and.

she died May 5. 1927. Mr. Linder is survived by a son. John Jr.

of Mattoon, three daughters, Mfa. Anna. Taylor of Canton, Mrs. Dells; Briggs of and Mrs. Lula Barnes of Mt Vernon, 11 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren.

ia shut down slightly below 1,100 64,000 "men of action." feet. It is 330 feet from No. 2 Tay- A large number of these were lor and will be taken to the De- described as Argentine citizens who Iranian lime after the com)tlon of had thrown away their allegiance the present Venture. The Devonian to their own country and had la expected near 1,500 feet pledged their lives to Hitler "until Catoe. Asked by Capt, Ira Keck, assistant chief of Washington detectives, how many women he had choked Catoe replied "about 10." In addition, police said the prisoner told them he had attacked five other women and attempted to assault two more.

Six of the. latter Identified him as their cers said. Catoe is a fomertartetrb-drliter and undertaker assistant. Asked by Keck what prompted him to attack -the women, the prisoner was quoted as saying: "Seems I Just got spells. I get those spells when I have a little wine.

I admit I did wrong, and I'm ready to pay with my life. It's off' my. 1 tj. H. Nlckerson, a Mattoon lnde- dies." tet of and Mra.

FredericH Teichman. With her parents ahe moved to Terre Haute, where she was married to Frank L. Walker in 1881. Mr. Mrs.

Walker moved to Mattoon in '1886 and had resided here since. She ia survived by her husband; four sons, Harold and A. J. of Mattoon, Louis G. of Marshall and Fred A', of Cincinnati, and three daughters, Mrs.

Paul Anderson of Mattoon, Miss Rose Lee Walker of San Francisco, and Mrs. Harry A. Berry of Denver, all of whom were at her bedside. She also leaves 16 grandchildren, three great grandchildren and two Blisters, Minnie Stanley of Terre Haute, and JMiss Laura Teichman of Los Angeles, Cal. nendent oil operator and C.

C. "Stop Our Is Coriell Command ''Will yon please stop our ad I That Is the request The nal-Gaxette had Friday from the Personality Beauty Salon. The shop had advertised that Mr. Coriellv who is a soldier 'stationed at Camp Grant, would be in Mattoon Sunday and Monday and to "phone for ap- polntments. Within a short time after the ad appeared the shop had enough calls to take all of Mr.

f.Coriell's time while he is here. Almost every day such results are reported from sette advertising. It is the quickest way to reach the most people. Phone Twd-flve-Oh and ask for an adtaker when yon have something that yon want to selL a service that yea want the pnb- -lie to know about, an i apartment or bouse that yon have for leys on a farm near Leitchfield, but have spent most of their Uvea so far underg6ing special care In a hospital at Louisville Now, however, a modern nursery has been completed on the Lash ley farm, and the four babies were to be ensconced in today after their welcome Denver (INS) When Verda Sodia, 25, a pretty divorcee, 'refused to marry Ray Rennison, 34 -year-old furrier, he billed her for $200 to cover the, expenses of courtship. She agreed to pay him back at the rate of 85 a month.

When she failed to make regular payments he attempted to force the Issue by squirting ammonia oh her and that landed him in jail today, a "discouraged and disillusioned" man. promised to marry me Han make my life worthwhile," Rennison told police. "So -1 squirted her." "I never loved him anyway," said Mrs. Sodia, "he waa an odd-like sort of guy." Charged. with assault to injure "with a deadly weapon;" assault and battery and threats to kuL Rennison was disconsolate, today aa he waited in his cell for a hearing.

ADVERTISING MAN GETS JOB Springfield, 111. (ins) Gov. Dwight Green today appointed William H. Murahy of Golf, an advertising executive, as supervisor of the small loans and bail bonds division In the State Department of Insurance. Murphy succeeds Herman McCullough and will begin his duties Sept 15 at a salary of $4,200 a year.

Glassco*ck, a Mattoon business man, bottt own acreage In the area. Mr. Nlckerson has approximately 1,100 acres, including; the traction which well Is located. uughHeTtells How heart thrills happen when lfe and sweetheart meetr In Ladies Meet," coming to the Theatre tomorrow for four daya. 8-30 TAX NOTICE Af-er Sept.

2 real estate and personal taxes become delinquent. Please pay before that' date In or der to avoid penalty of per cent per month. The delinquent tax list will be published sept 28. i 8-30 ERNEST HOUGLAND, Treaa. SUNDAY DINNER At the Rendezvous.

Steaks, frrj -legs and chicken. Noon and eve homel The quads have been styled "Kentncky'a first citizen," and "Leltchfield's only regret Is that It can't pat, on a blr enough for them. Leltchfield's population 850, there wont be much of 5 a SUFFERS FRACTURED THIGH Mrs. Grace Lklster, 2601 Commercial avenue, slipped on rug at her home Friday afternoon and suffered a fractured left thigh. She waa taken to Memorial Hospital for exam-1 lnation and treatment The left leg was put In a cast, and Mrs.

lid-iter was taken to her home today. NOTICE PURE LARD Our own make, eleven cents Bl'OlDL BROS 8-30 Buy your used car now Fedeiw restrictlona apply Sept 1. rent. THX DINNER BELL -Win reopea Monday, Sept 8-30 i U-5tf ning 6TARWALT SON'S.

Journal Gazette from Mattoon, Illinois (2024)


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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

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Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.