New Jersey Nightly News; New Jersey Nightly News Episode from 10/23/1981; Dub (2024)

New Jersey Nightly News with downturns and a good man to him. Good evening the Reagan administration's plan for dealing with the aliens may involve a military facility in Ocean County news that surprises nearby residents. The Nets beat the Knicks Bill Perry has the highlights in sports plus previews of the giants Falcons and Rutgers Alabama games and we conclude our series on the ballot questions with a closer look at the riparian rights issue. The Naval Air Station at a lake Hearst in Ocean County is one of several military bases the federal government is considering as a housing center for refugees and illegal aliens. That's from South Jersey Congressman William Hughes a Steve Katz reports. The Lakers naval base sits on seventy four hundred acres 11 and a half square miles of Pine Land area and only 45 percent of that land is being used. The government won't confirm or deny that Lakehurst is among the areas being considered. And Hughes who opposes the plan says any information he has has been hard to come by with 3000 civilian employees a Laker's is Oshie county's largest employer but

any change here could affect the area. Is economy what local officials are most upset about is that if the base is indeed being considered as a site for a refugee camp. Up to now it's been a secret. Like Hearst Mayor Mike if you see or found out what was going on through the news media to find out that there might be some great impact on your town under these conditions is always shocking. Residents of this town of thirty five hundred awoke this morning to what most we talk to consider disagreeable news. It just seems weird to me to be wrong here. I don't think it's worthwhile having something like that around here. Well I think it will only aggravate the problems some of the research and development in aircraft launching and landing being done here is classified. And that's one reason Congressman Hughes says refugees or illegal aliens don't belong at Lakehurst because the work being done there perform there is often very sensitive and we do have we do maintain security at the Lakers facility. But of course once again it's a technical facility and

being a civilian technical facility it would be incompatible. It was a detention center a processing facility its own room. If workers were chosen new facilities would have to be built here. There are some old barracks that house a few hundred people but they're slated to be torn down and the government wants a site that could hold up to 10000 illegal aliens or refugees in Lakehurst Ocean County. I'm Steve Katz. The Federal Environmental Protection Agency has finally released its list of the 100 14 most dangerous hazardous waste sites in the country. Twelve of them are in New Jersey. The list was supposed to be published by June 9th under terms of the federal Superfund bill to clean up toxic waste. But the list and the funds to clean up the sites have been delayed for months. New Jersey's Department of Environmental Protection has accused the Federal Government of dragging its feet on appropriating 68 million dollars of Superfund money. The state has been waiting for a portion of that money for several cleanup projects. There are no surprises on the list

which the EPA released today. The sites are divided into 11 groups of 10. Two of the state's toxic waste dumps are in the top 10 party landfill in Pittman Gloucester County. And prices pit the dump in Pleasantville Atlantic County that has sent a pool of dangerous chemicals into some of Atlantic City's municipal wells. 5 New Jersey dumps are in the second group burn fly bog and Lone Pine landfill both in Mama's County goose farm jack farm and Spence farm all in close proximity in Plumstead Township. Ocean County the Department of Environmental Protection hopes the release of the list means the Superfund money will soon follow. The sites named now have top federal priority. The Union County jail will reduce its population by 79 in its within the next three months and will maintain its inmate population at 238 after that. Those are two terms of an agreement settling a lawsuit against the jail for overcrowding. State public advocate Stanley Van Ness announced the settlement today. He promises no dangerous inmates would go free in an effort to ease the

overcrowding. This person is being held on minor charges like shoplifting right now the jail holds three hundred seventeen inmates in a facility designed for two hundred thirty eight. Van Ness described it as a potential powder keg. The agreement also details steps jail officials will have to take if the population rises 10 percent overcapacity for three days in a row including reviewing prisoner sentences. Beginning Monday about 5000 workers at the General Motors plant in Linden will be laid off for a week because of declining car sales which have left many dealers overstocked workers at the Union County plant where luxury front wheel drive cars are produced are concerned that the move might mean permanent cutbacks in the future. A General Motors spokesman says the shutdown is to adjust inventories. Most of the Union members will receive supplementary unemployment benefits during the layoff equal to about 90 percent of their take home pay. President Reagan's push to revitalize the economy through private industry is gaining popularity in Plainfield. Officials from the Department of Transportation met today at the city's 100 year

old train station to announce plans to renovate the station and surrounding business area along with New Jersey Transit and the city have hopes to locate private developers to renovate this historic district. You know we've been in recent activities around their station because it provides a vacuum which will then lead to an increase in ridership which then. With any luck leads to an increase in revenue. Which is an ongoing problem which we face. The DOJ has already been in touch with developers interested in renovating train stations in Princeton Junction and Trenton studies are now being conducted to determine the potential for private investment in Metro Park MMA touchin and New Brunswick. Authorities have found a shipwreck off the New Jersey coast laden with an estimated 30 million dollars worth of hashish. U.S. Customs and Coast Guard officials said today three thousand pounds of the drug valued more than nine million dollars has already been recovered by divers customs officials believe the boat is the source of several bales of Hashi's which washed ashore last week in Ocean County. Officials say they don't

know when or why the ship sank but they do say the narcotics fire is one of the largest in customer service history. An amendment sponsored by New Jersey Republican congresswoman Marge Rocca mode would prevent about 100000 New Jerseyans from losing food stamp benefits because they also qualify for state fuel assistance. The amendment would allow people who get direct payments from the state's Lifeline program not to include those payments as part of their total income for the purposes of being eligible for food stamp benefits. The measure passed the House of Representatives yesterday. And Mrs. Rock on the feels it will also move quickly through the Senate. There is presently another Senate version of that bill in committee which the congresswoman feels will not do well because it would drastically affect the very very needy of citizens in many states. Don what started out as a pretty clever scheme to beat the high cost of homeownership may end up as a big legal headache. So if you've been priced out of the housing market to turn a fly woman offered her home is the prize and when this house contest the only hitch seemed to be that you needed 2500 entrants a $50 each to make the scheme pay off. But as Sandra

King reports that was just about the beginning of Joan Coulter's problems. When I devised this as a way to get out of this box that I'm in. Instead she's gotten herself into a complex legal fight. JUNCO lets rents this tent a fly house and says she can't afford to buy but she's already put down $10000 a nonrefundable deposit to close the deal will cost another ninety nine thousand. So if she got her twenty five hundred entrants at $50 per sheet unload the house and make a profit to get around state laws that prohibit a lottery. She required all entrants to write a 25 word essay saying why the House should be there's a three judge panel was to pick the winner with a D to be awarded Christmas Eve. But wow that takes care of the lottery question. It may not satisfy state gaming laws and despite his protests her lawyer has been warned that Bergen's prosecutor will file charges next week. Simply stated the state's gambling statute prohibits

contests of chance. This is not a contest of cheating it's a legit way when a winner is going to be determined. On an essay in 25 words or less I don't buy that. But potential contestants have been slow in coming out of the twenty five hundred needed only about 200 have come through. So even if Colette should win in court her problems just may not be over in 10 apply. I'm Sandra Cantu's with our political correspondent Steve Taylor and Jim McQueen in our for our weekly review of the race for governor. That gentleman Monday begins the last full week of campaigning for both gubernatorial candidates. Things will be getting into full swing before November 3rd. Jim what can we expect from Tom Kane. Well basically you're going to have to see him close the gap that's between six and eight points behind Florio depending on whose poll you believe him to do that. Cain is playing to blitz voters with a lot of mailings and a lot of TV ads you won't be able to watch television much

without running into one of these commercials. The fact they play it because the last spending reports show that the Republicans saved about 20 percent more had spent 20 percent less as of the last reporting date October night. And they're also having a lot of surrogates from Washington a lot of. Like the vice president's wife will be coming in. So Robert Dorell perhaps Howard Baker Delaware governor Dupont and a lot of Reagan cabinet officials. The president will also be appearing a lot of the special 30 second ads aimed at mostly independents because Kaine needs to break into these independents and win big here because of the three to two Democratic edge in registrations in the state. Reagan is also sending letters to some Democrats because as he said in his recent appearance here you can't win an election in New Jersey without getting Democratic support. And in fact one of these Reagan letters was particularly interesting in the way that it's going to the law limiting outside contributions to the governor's race. If this letter had mention Cain by name it would have been charged the king spending ceiling. So the president discreet fully gives just the program public

and theme but the postscript notes proceeds from this solicitation will not directly assist the campaign for governor campaign but will assist the Republican ticket. Now that's a little like in The Wizard of Oz saying don't look at that man in the booth. Stay what can we what can we expect from Jim Florio as people who have any surprises we're going to see more concentration of the same kind. No my painting I don't think any surprises I think maybe the biggest surprise I know about is that there have been so few surrogates to use your term Jim for it just has not used very many outside campaigners. He doesn't plan to you will see as they put it a substantial increase in the television spending of the last are going to so much an increase which will see a lot more ads it was all planned out. Lots of appearances to I've got I've got for a schedule next week and anywhere from 8 to 13 appearances per day all around the state he just jumps all around New Jersey all the time and there is a concentration coming up even more than there has been in the past on the ethnic angle of these appearances there's an awful lot of Italian-American

clubs and that there is really I mean somebody I think he's visiting as many times in clubs as a pasta salesman these days. And he's going to continue to do that there's a Ukrainian outfit on the on the schedule some slathered organizations and of course every one of them is going to tell about his his his father the ship painter and in Brooklyn and how he's brought it up by himself. Polls his polls tell him he does very well with that sort of approach. Speaking of polls down there have been several polls in the last few weeks of this campaign. Jim what kind of a reliable indicator are these polls. Well I was talking to a lot of pollsters today about this particularly about the New York Times and the record in the Eagleton polls three major ones recently and from what they said Don't bet the farm on this eight point lead that they're talking about it's much closer than that. The Jersey voters in the Torricelli Layton decided making up their minds in elections within 36 to 48 hours. And in fact one of the pollsters told me this afternoon this is quote the electorate is as soft as the Pillsbury Doughboy his point. And with so many independents undecided still an unclear perception of the two major candidates not to mention the fact there's no single overriding issue as there

was in 1977 when the income tax. It's just it's so fluid out there and that Lee can melt very quickly as it did for Ray Bateman in 1077 when he was leading at this point over Governor Brown who ultimately won. Remember that how reliable the polls are depends very much on whether the person you're asking is ahead or behind in the polls right now Jim Florio would say that the polls are absolutely reliable and they're just first rate he might not say it because he doesn't want to sound overly confident. Today he predicted that on the other hand yesterday he predicted as he said 60 to 65 percent of the vote he said he would take. And speaking of polls this one has to rank you know non-surprise of the week the state AFLCIO put out a poll released today. They polled their membership of course which is heavily Democratic and has already endorsed Florio and surprise surprise 73 percent of the members said they favor Florio in only 12 percent were for time gain political correspondents Jim McWhinnie Steve Taylor you'll be back with us again you continue our coverage of the gubernatorial campaign on of to November 3rd and on after. And thank you for being with us Don.

OK thank you people. Here's a look at our weekend weather forecast and I will be windy cold rain heavy at times temperatures in the high 30s partly sunny windy and cold tomorrow. Temperatures only reaching the 40s and the outlook for Sunday mostly sunny and cool. Tonight we conclude our closer look at ballot issues series with an examination of the proposed riparian

Lans constitutional amendment an amendment that has more of a share of controversy riparian Lans It's a term if you will understand the idea of riparian lands are spelled out in the New Jersey constitution. The state has title to all our lands throughout New Jersey that have ever been covered by title flows from the ocean and rivers. That's a troubling concept for Ann Campbell and a short acronym for the state homeowners for repairing education Campbell and shore supporting the riparian rights constitutional amendment on the November 3rd ballot as a private citizen I am more or less outraged that this thread or a cloud of a possible weenie against one's property could hang over the heads of literally thousands of homeowners throughout the state. I would I think feel strongly on this issue if I lived in say the northwestern part of the state where in fact no apparent claim I never made that. After 300 years maybe it's time to change this antiquated law. And Campbell's house sits on a main road near Highway 35 with absolutely no water in sight

no tides washer front or back lawn at Campbell or Shrewsbury neighbors say they live in fear that the state might lay claim to their land. Now that claim would come through in English common law in effect since March 12th of 16 64 on that day Charles the second of England charter to James the Duke of York and through James to John Berkeley and George Carteret and the east and west board of proprietors riparian rights to lands washed by the tide. That means the state could lay claim to lands now or ever washed by tidal flow even if there's been no sign of water for the past three hundred years. That's something Campbell and supporters of the amendment hope to change the amendment. If approved would limit the time the state has to claim these lands the state would have one year to map the lands of qualify as riparian lands and to claim them. After that the state would lose the right to claim own land not covered by the tide in the past 40 years. The proposed riparian lands constitutional amendment or public question number seven reads as follows. Do you approve the amendment to Article 8 of the Constitution. Adding a new section 5 and

Paragraph 1 there to requiring that lands that have been title flowed within the last 40 years to be deemed riparian lands subject to state claims and barring state claims not defined in asserted by law within that period. The proposed constitutional amendment is not without its opponents. The Supreme Court in fact was asked to rule on the language in the accompanying interpretive statement on the ballot. The court decided the statement was biased against the passage of the amendment and the statement was changed. The original statement emphasized potential losses to the public school fund which by law receives money from the sale of riparian lands. That's something that those who support the amendment say just isn't so very misleading perhaps Iranis statement as a matter of fact when the Supreme Court wrote the language for the new interpretive statement to accompany this issue on the ballot. They mention that the revenues from ripe area and land sales will in fact go to the school fund the school fund now has some 35 million dollars that money would remain untouched. If this amendment passes as a matter of fact many of us who support the amendment believe quite strongly that if the

amendment passes the state which still will have every right to assert their claims to true Iberian lines will in fact do so more quickly and the fund will grow just as it would. You know even after the Supreme Court ruling the riparian lands amendment remains an issue in another lawsuit former gubernatorial candidate Ray Bateman and a group of taxpayers are so opposed to the amendment that they have filed a lawsuit claiming it unconstitutional. Question Number seven the question in question right in the middle of the game proceeds to the school that it would discriminate against people who already looks like you know worst possible Parian questions. We have the worst possible solution.

Meanwhile proponents disagree on all counts they say the Supreme Court showed the court felt there's no proof the amendment would harm the school fund its ruling on the interpretive statement. The issue they say is not one of big money interests but of the rights of the individual homeowner. The final decision remains up to the voters on November 3rd. On a related note today a Long Beach Island citizens group sent out a mass mailing to 14000 residents urging them to vote yes on the riparian land constitutional amendment. Earlier Seaside Heights faction of the same group click set out 35000 pieces of mail. Click is an acronym for citizens for local and intelligent control that is in favor of the amendment that feels it does not go far enough. The group is against all confiscation of riparian lines. Thank you Dan and Bill Perry will have the latest in sports center weekend crazy when we return. That's next. Next time you are with me that is built on sports.

Thank you hop a tough act to follow. And that's one for you one for a preseason game tomorrow night in Washington against Philadelphia and they'll be without both Mike O'Connor broke his nose last night and Otis Birdsong has a sore knee but both are expected to play next Friday against the next in the regular season opener last night the Nets beat the next 89 82 New York ran to an early 28 lead This is Alex Bradley out of Long Branch and Villanova he completed the three point play Darwyn Cooke at a game high 26 points down the lane for the Nets and Mike Nolan the former net had the hot hand for the next in the first half New York 43 39 at the half. Now late fourth quarter foots walk around the drive nets 80 to 78 215 left can't be Russell right back to tied at 80 right here two minutes left then Jan van Braddock off in a big bucket. The VK posting up plus the foul. He completed the three point play and it was 83 81 35 left Mike Woodson the former NEC and Darwyn Cooke added field goals and the next one at the final eighty nine to eighty two. The Giants have a big D in Atlanta Sunday the Falcons know all about the improved Giants you'll hear from their coach Wieman Bennett But first Atlanta

quarterback Steve Moore Koski says his team has to be able to run to control the game. Guys come off the ball and be able to rush the football with some some semblance of authority I think you'll help us out. They've got a good bunch of linebackers which I think are the key thing and I don't know that Coach Perkins has talked to them about building a team that is picked by many to be a playoff contending football team that does mean a lot to your program and I know that that is a true fact and to May there be a gunning force will be a difficult game for us and one that we're going to have to play our best if we expect to win. This is a week where you know we can't just play well. Dallas we played well in the game but we lost a game. We don't like more victories and that's not what we need. We would like to. We would like to win a game against continued team and you know that's going to tell us a lot of the players and the staff and everyone a little bit more about just where we are in our progress.

No doubt the program is improved but can they beat Atlanta. The pick here Falcons 23 Giants 16 Rutgers 5 and 2 will be in Tuscaloosa tomorrow to meet Alabama 5 1 and 1 Remember last year's meeting at Giants Stadium Bama won it. 17:13 are you with us 3 0 early but it was 3 3 in the second quarter that major Ogilvy broke into the seventh. Next play Alabama touchdown Billy Jackson records close to 10 6 by half time but in the third quarter Bama scored on the big play. Thirty nine yards passed on Jacobs to James now at 17. Right there it looked like blowout city the Bears boys were rolling but Rutgers came right back and scored in the third quarter average rate to get McMichaels pass from the 417 13. That's how it ended so Rutgers played the bare tough last year can they do it again. You know we're going to play a great football. Sure there's I'm sure that they can play and play well with anybody in the country and it's a homecoming. And I understand they won 52 straight games and I kind of think root for so little bit of trouble to say the least.

All right it's official Joe Torre is the manager of the Braves Fernando want to getit tonight a World Series game three. Have a good weekend that's sports. Thanks a lot Bill. For the past couple of months the Middlesex County cultural and Heritage Commission has been hosting a very special series to acquaint people with some of the historic sites in that area. And as Ken tells us you can take part in the last of that series this weekend. I have a built in 1740 merchant and this weekend as part of the preservation experience you can have the mansion which is in the midst of restoration. In addition to the tour and new exhibit view of the craft yesterday and today it features the work of designer craftsman about 100 handmade many will be arranged in beautiful periods of American history. There will be a country brunch contemporary That's on Saturday and on Sunday

away on Sunday. The work of last season. The musical was directed by Philip police and he returns this season with the USO show a new musical revue the show pays tribute to the 40th anniversary of the American USO. It sort of breaks the music and performers and lifted the spirits of soldiers and all Americans during World War 2 and throughout the 40s. A cast within a cast entertains the troops during the war on the African front. Curtain goes up on Saturday at 5 and at 9 p.m. and on Sunday at 2 and 7. The whole theater company is at 5 4 4 Bloomfield Avenue in Montclair. The power to Enron happy Indians have their own cultural center in Medford and they've

just opened their newly expanded Heritage Museum. The only Indian owned and operated Museum in New Jersey. The exhibit contains all kinds of artifacts and educational displays with examples of the craftsmanship of different Indian tribes. There will be examples of weaving stone chipping wood working feather decoration bead work and metal work. And while you're at the museum you can visit the gift shop with all kinds of unusual items for sale. The museum is open on Saturday and on Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. The center is on Route 70 in Medford Burlington County. And another thing going on this weekend the mickey Tucker sextet will open the Jazz room series at William Patterson college on Sunday at 4 in the afternoon Don. Yeah thanks a lot. And that's the news for CAN'T manhandle Perry Steve Taylor and Jim acquitting I'm Don Torrance tonight for all of us a New Jersey night you know. New Jersey Nightly News is a joint presentation of the New Jersey network and

13 portions recorded.

New Jersey Nightly News; New Jersey Nightly News Episode from 10/23/1981; Dub (2024)


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