Hard Quiz: Season 8, Episode 8 script (2024)

Fighting over Tom Gleeson's Big Brass Mug are experts on rapper Nicki Minaj, wacky Aussie favourite the platypus, murderous dictator Joseph Stalin, and the medical marvel of colonoscopies (not to be tried at home).

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ANNOUNCER: Tonight, on Hard Quiz...

Expert subject, colonoscopies.

Expert subject, Joseph Stalin.

Expert subject, rapper Nicki Minaj.

Expert subject, the platypus.

Here's your host, Tom Gleeson.


Is this a repeat?

Welcome to Hard Quiz.
Is this a repeat?

Welcome to Hard Quiz.
These contestants are drainpipes.

Last one to get clogged will be
tonight's Hard Quiz champion.

Last one to get clogged will be


To be part of the show at home,

To be part of the show at home,
go to the ABC TV socials.

To be part of the show at home,
Let's say hello.

Let's say hello.

G'day, Eleanor.

The platypus is your expert subject.

Are kangaroos not
complicated enough for you?

No they're not.

The platypus is unique.

Why do you like
the platypus in particular?

Because it's absolutely fantastic
at being a platypus, you know?



I prefer them to people.

I prefer them to people.

Well, Eleanor, I hope you're
I prefer them to people.

Well, Eleanor, I hope you're
very good at being an Eleanor.

Well, Eleanor, I hope you're


Now, you're really into tramping.

That's not as bad
as it sounds, is it?

That's not as bad


No, it's good.

You know, the sort of tramping
No, it's good.

You know, the sort of tramping
that I like

is the one where you have a hut
at the end of the day.

You have to carry
all your belongings.

So all your food, clothes,

and usually your fuel stove
and that sort of thing.

But you know you get into a hut
and there's fire wood

and you're dry and...you know,
or you can dry out anyway.

Do you like tramping with different
people? Do you tramp around?

Do you like tramping with different


I have one particular person

I have one particular person
that I like to go tramping with.


Do you tramp their brains out?

Do you tramp their brains out?


I have to say I haven't,
not on a tramp.




You have to share the hut
with other people, so, you know...

Yes, yeah. You wouldn't want to
get a tramp cramp.




Nicki Minaj is your love.

Nicki Minaj is your love.

What do you like about
her music in particular?

Well, she talks a lot
about perfecting 'the craft'.

So she's quite into
the lyricism, the flow.

She makes a lot of double entendres

and she's quite, like,
literary about it.

Yeah, she makes a lot
of single entendres too, I find.

Yeah, she makes a lot


Like, her music is quite explicit

Like, her music is quite explicit
and quite provocative.

Is that fair?
Yes. Yep.

Maybe I'd like it.

Now, you were a hand model.

Have you held anything
we would recognise?


It was some photos for Facebook,

for some...it was, like,
about their banking app.

And your hand was pushing the app.
Oh, yep.

So when someone hires you,
is that a compliment for your hands

or is like an insult
to the rest of your body?



Joseph Stalin is your subject.

Is it his history or his ideology
that turns you on?

Is it his history or his ideology


Is it weird to say both?


Nothing's weird on this show, mate.
Yeah, that's true.

Nothing's weird on this show, mate.
So you like his ideology?

So you like his ideology?

I'm not really allowed to say that
So you like his ideology?

I'm not really allowed to say that
without making Sky News angry, so...

I'm not really allowed to say that
No, you're allowed to do it,

No, you're allowed to do it,

and you're overestimating

Sky New's care-factor
and you're overestimating

Sky New's care-factor
about Robin on Hard Quiz.

Sky New's care-factor


You're a school crossing supervisor.

Is that so your can indoctrinate
the next generation

with your...

with your...
..with your communist lies?

..with your communist lies?

I'm not allowed to... They
discourage me from speaking to them.

And one thing I did
was, like, when I went to the...

And one thing I did


One thing I did when I went
to the school that I'm at now

is that I made a point of just
being very silent,

not saying anything
unless spoken to.

I had the hat and the mask -
and this is back in Covid -

so they couldn't really
tell anything.

And then, one afternoon, this parent
instinctively said, "Thank you,"

and I just sort of instinctively
said, "You're welcome."

And her two kids that
are, like, 6 and 8 years old

just instantly looked up at me
and went... (GASPS) "You can talk?"


And that was it.

Alright, we're oging to
And that was it.

Alright, we're oging to
have a lot of fun tonight, Robin.

Alright, we're oging to


Just when you thought
things wouldn't get weirder -

Sam, colonoscopies
is your expert subject.


Is the interest
professional or amateur?

Is the interest



Just... What's not to love

Just... What's not to love
about a colonoscopy?

Just... What's not to love
The inconvenience, uh...

The inconvenience, uh...

It's more of an amateur thing.
I've had a few myself.

And what...

And what...
Why have you had a few yourself?

Why have you had a few yourself?

I've got a health condition,
Crohn's disease,

and so I have to have
regular check-ups.


At the moment it's every other year
having a colonoscopy.

I just booked in the other day.

Number 9.

Round of applause for...

..nine colonoscopies.

I'm all about self-defeca...
I mean, deprecation.


Here we go.

Alright, let's play - hard!

I'll ask each of you five questions
on your expert subject.

Right, you get five points.

Wrong, I will take
five points from you.

The rest of you can steal
at any time to get double points.

Let's start with Sam

and his expert subject colonoscopies.

That's right.

Typically performed
a gastroenterologist,

a colonoscopy explores the entire
length of what digestive organ?

a colonoscopy explores the entire


The colon.

The colon.

The colon.


A colonoscopy is often recommended
after a positive result

from the testing kit sent to all
eligible Australians from what age?

from the testing kit sent to all






According to
a former press secretary,

the US public were deliberately
not informed of a colonoscopy

the US public were deliberately
for which president?

for which president?

for which president?

Ronald Reagan.

Incorrect. Wide open.

Incorrect. Wide open.


For the steal, it's Eleanor!

George W. Bush.

Incorrect. It's wide open.

Time's up!

Donald Trump.

Oh, OK.

Apparently Trump also had the
procedure without general anaesthetic

to avoid having to hand over
the keys to the White House to Pence.

to avoid having to hand over


Bit paranoid.


A colonoscope is a flexible tube
that moves through the bowel,

transmitting high definition images
via what light-conducting cable?

For the steal, it's Eleanor!

Fibre optic.

Fibre optic.


Double points to you.

Double points to you.

Yeah, it's fibre optic cable.

But I live in the country
Yeah, it's fibre optic cable.

But I live in the country
so they use copper.

But I live in the country


Last question in your set, Sam.

To accommodate the scope while also
reducing post-procedural discomfort,

a patient's bowel
is sometimes inflated

a patient's bowel
using what easily absorbed...

using what easily absorbed...



Eleanor, for the steal.

Carbon dioxide.

Correct! Double points to you.
Carbon dioxide.

Correct! Double points to you.

Yeah, so unlike air,

carbon dioxide is absorbed
Yeah, so unlike air,

carbon dioxide is absorbed
by the walls of the bowel,

so it doesn't lead to
cramping or farting.

so it doesn't lead to
Thank God for that,

Thank God for that,

'cause otherwise the procedure
Thank God for that,

'cause otherwise the procedure
would be so embarrassing.

'cause otherwise the procedure


Next set of questions is for Robin

on Joseph Stalin.


Born Ioseb Dzhugashvili in the now
independent country Georgia,

Stalin later renamed himself after
the Russian word for what metal?




Using his position as General
Secretary of the Communist Party

Using his position as General
to build power,

to build power,

Stalin withstood a call
to remove him from that role

in the 1923 testament
of which Soviet leader?

Vladimir Lenin.


Yeah, by then Stalin was too powerful

and Lenin was too dying,
is that right?

He was on his last legs.
Just about, yeah.

Stalin tried to resign, and then
his opponents didn't let him

because if he resigned,
then they got in power.

And eventually Stalin just said,

"OK, you know what?
Fine, I'm in charge,"

and got rid of them.


In 1928, Stalin introduced
the first of his 5-year plans,

calling for a massive increase
in heavy industry

like energy and steel,

as well as the collectivisation
of what sector?



Yeah, Stalin had
a few 5-year plans.

Were they good or bad?

Well, they achieved their goals,
so, yeah, there's that.

Well, they achieved their goals,




False alarm.

Did you just wake up during an exam?


Oh, God. This show...


To prevent unauthorised retreats

during the German attack
To prevent unauthorised retreats

during the German attack
on Stalingrad,

Stalin issued Order 227,
which became known as

Stalin issued Order 227,
'Not one step...' where?

'Not one step...' where?

'Not one step...' where?



It basically said,
"If you retreat you die,

"unless we say you can,
which we probably won't."

Last question in your set, Robin.
Oh, boy.

In 2018, declaring it
a mockery of its past,

Russia banned the release of which
Armando Iannucci-directed film?

The Death Of Stalin.




Five from five!

Time now for Anna and Nicki Minaj.


Born Onika Tanya Maraj,

Nicki moved to New York as a child

from which Caribbean island nation?



You're out, mate.

You're out, mate.
Robin for the steal.

Robin for the steal.

Uh... The Bahamas?

Incorrect. It's wide open.

Time's up.

What is it, Anna?

It's Trinidad and Tobago.

Yes. Trinidad and Tobago.

Trinidad's not a country on its own.

What are you upset about?


"Aw, can you please give
the incorrect answer some points?"

"Aw, can you please give


We're not at a Steiner school.


You've gotta get it right.
Get it right.

While guest-rapping on
Justin Bieber's Beauty And A Beat,

Nicki refers to Bieber's
then-girlfriend Selena Gomez,

rhyming her first name with
which phallic euphemism?

For the steal, it's Sam.




Double points to you.
Back in the game.

Double points to you.


That is actually about
the cleanest lyric we could find.

That is actually about


During an argument
at a New York Fashion Week party,

rapper Cardi B threw what
clothing item at Minaj?





Have a listen to this.


Minaj's hit single Anaconda

samples what Sir Mix-a-Lot song?

samples what Sir Mix-a-Lot song?

Baby Got Back.


Yeah, it sounds nice.
What's the song about?

Yeah, it sounds nice.


I guess.

Last question in your set, Anna.

Cousins Sophia Grace and Rosie
achieved sudden fame

after covering Minaj's hit
Super Bass on which TV show?

after covering Minaj's hit
Sam for the steal.

Sam for the steal.

Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Correct! Double points to you.
Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Correct! Double points to you.

Last set in the expert round.
It's Eleanor and the platypus.


The platypus belongs to
a scientific order known as mono...

Anna, for the steal.
Oh, monotreme.

Incorrect. I'll finish the question.

..as monotremes, which are mammals
that reproduce by laying what?

..as monotremes, which are mammals
For the steal, it's Robin.

For the steal, it's Robin.


Correct! Double points to you.


I guess, given your ideology,

you're used to taking, you know,
stuff from other people's effort.

you're used to taking, you know,


Platypus's are primarily

Platypus's are primarily
nocturnal and crepuscular,

which means they are
activate at night and...

Dawn and dusk.


1943, a platypus left Melbourne
on board the MV Port Phillip

after being requested
by which world leader?

Winston Churchill.


Yeah, Churchill asked for a platypus
just so he could see one alive.

He just wanted to
see what it looked like.

He just wanted to
But it died in a submarine attack...

But it died in a submarine attack...

But it died in a submarine attack...

..on the way to England.

It was killed by
the defensive depth charges

that the ship dropped
when they came under attack.

So just think about that.

Winston Churchill,
right in the thick of World War II,

is like,
"I really want to see a platypus."


Particularly during mating season,

the male platypus produces venom
via a crural system,

meaning it has barbs located where?

On its hind ankles.


Scientists are interested in
the platypus venom

because the pain it causes can't be
relieved with opiates like morphine.

because the pain it causes can't be
Last question in your set, Eleanor.

Last question in your set, Eleanor.

Despite having mammary glands,
Last question in your set, Eleanor.

Despite having mammary glands,
platypuses do not have nipples,

forcing their young
to drink milk from where?

Off the fur?


We've pushed through their subjects,
now let's push through mine.

This week I've been
really getting into castles.

Well, I've been trying to,
really getting into castles.

Well, I've been trying to,

but there's a moat
and I can't cross it.

This round is multiple choice.

This round is multiple choice.
Select your answers on your screen
and press the buzzer

Select your answers on your screen
and press the buzzer

Select your answers on your screen
to lock in the answer.

to lock in the answer.

Alright, Anna, you need to make up
to lock in the answer.

Alright, Anna, you need to make up
some ground in my round.

Considered one of
the oldest castles in the world...

The answer is

C, Syria.


The modern term 'loophole'
is derived from

which defensive castle feature?

The answer is

A, Arrowslit.


At the 13th-century siege
of Chateau Gaillard...

The correct answer is

C, Climbing up the toilet chute.


Sam, you'd be into that,
wouldn't you?

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah.
Straight up.

Straight up.


Yeah, the Normans retreated
to the inner defences,

so the attackers
climbed up the toilet chute

so the attackers
and unlocked the gates.

and unlocked the gates.

Which castle was
the chief design inspiration...

The correct answer is

C, Neuschwanstein Castle.


And also it was used
in the Disney logo.

That animation used up
our entire special effects budget.

That animation used up


Last question in my round
is worth double points.

Last question in my round
is worth double points.

It's very exciting, if you...
don't know how maths works.

It's very exciting, if you...


Which chess piece resembles a castle?

The answer is F - Rook.


At the of my round, Anna,
you're at the bottom on 10.

At the of my round, Anna,
Get over here.

Get over here.


What happened, Anna?

I guess I sent a tweet about COVID.


You... I don't understand.


It's a reference to
Nicki Minaj's tweet

It's a reference to
about getting the COVID vaccine.

about getting the COVID vaccine.

Oh, right. That's right.

I forgot.
The cousin's friends.

Because she said she was worried
about getting the COVID vaccine

because her cousin's friend's brother
got swollen testicl*s because of it.


Is that what you were referring to?

Or maybe you were just
a little big too subtle.

Or maybe you were just




There she goes.

Good. It's the People's Round.

Treat your dandruff,
play along at home.

Your time starts now.
Treat your dandruff,
play along at home.

Your time starts now.

Your time starts now.
Chocolate eggs are typically eaten
on which Christian festival?

Chocolate eggs are typically eaten
on which Christian festival?


Yes. Many Shakespeare poems use
what 14-line form of verse?


Jafar is the main antagonist
of which hit Disney...




The phrases 'on the ropes'
and 'roll with the punches' come...


Yes. From which combat sport?
Boxing is correct.

What is the capitol
of the United Arab Emirates?

Abu Dhabi.



The logo for sneaker brand Converse
includes what celestial shape?




Painted 'International Orange'

and connecting San Francisco
Painted 'International Orange'

and connecting San Francisco
to Marin County is which bridge?

Golden Gate Bridge.

Yes. Julia Child wrote about

Yes. Julia Child wrote about

mastering the art
Yes. Julia Child wrote about

mastering the art
of which nation's cuisine?


Yes. Originally designed for cycling

Yes. Originally designed for cycling

were calf-length pants
Yes. Originally designed for cycling

were calf-length pants
known as peddle what?




Time's up!
Oh, no.

Time's up!
Oh, no.
Alright, at the end
of the People's Round,

Alright, at the end
of the People's Round,

Sam, you're at the bottom on 70.

You know what that means.
Get over here.

You know what that means.


Alright, Sam. How did you go?

Um, yeah, a bit of a bummer.



There he goes.


Alright, only two left.

Who's gonna be
the Hard Quiz champion?

Robin and Eleanor, get over here
because it's time to play Hard Quiz.

ANNOUNCER: The platypus
versus Joseph Stalin.

Now, there can only be one
Hard Quiz champion

who gets to take home
the limited-edited big brass mug.

What will you do with the mug
if you win, Robin?

Pff... I'm gonna level with you.
I didn't think I'd get this far.

I'm gonna level with you Robin -
I didn't either.

That's fair.

So what are you gonna do
with the mug if you win?

Are you gonna share it
evenly amongst everyone?

Probably, yeah.
Bragging rights, mostly.


Eleanor, what will you do
with the mug if you win?

You know, it looks
pretty useless to me.

But I have thought of a use for it.

I'm going to use it to gather dust.


It's best of five,

It's best of five,
penalty shootout style,

harder questions
on your expert subjects.

So it's Robin's knowledge
of Joseph Stalin

versus Eleanor's knowledge
of the platypus.

Let's play - hard!



In 1907, Stalin helped procure
over 250,000 rubles

for the Bolshevik movement
by staging what event?

Before he joined
the Bolsheviks formally,

Before he joined
he was...

he was...

Basically, he decided,
"You know what?

I'm going to be Ned Kelly
but in the Caucasus region."

I'm going to be Ned Kelly
So he had a gang called 'The Outfit'

So he had a gang called 'The Outfit'

and what he did was
So he had a gang called 'The Outfit'

and what he did was
he staged a bank robbery in...

and what he did was
..I think it was to Tbilisi.

..I think it was to Tbilisi.

And he stole what is equivalent
to about $3 million now,

in broad daylight.

So, yeah, the Tbilisi bank robbery.



Yeah, about 40 people are believed
to have died during the robbery.

And they couldn't even use
most of the money

because the serial numbers
were being tracked.

because the serial numbers



While there is evidence platypuses
once lived in the Adelaide hills,

they are now considered extinct
in South Australia

apart from an introduced population
in what part of the state?

Yep. So, yeah, they...
That's correct.


You've got that right, Tom.

So they introduced...I think it was
around about 20 platypuses

to Kangaroo Island.

And they're doing OK over there.

So the answer's Kangaroo Island.


Yeah, you can tell those platypuses

'cause they say
Yeah, you can tell those platypuses

'cause they say
'charnce' and 'plarnt'.

And 'heaps good'.

And 'heaps good'.
And they're not munted.

And they're not munted.




This 1937 photo of Stalin
by the Moscow-Volga Canal

was retouched by the Soviets
to remove whom?

It was the director
the NKVD at the time,

which was the People's Commissariat
of Internal Affairs,

so basically the Soviet Union's
interior ministry.

Yeah, his last name was Yezhov.
I think Nikolai Yezhov, yeah.


Yeah, you're right, he was the chief
of the Soviet security police

and was in charge of eliminating
a lot of Stalin's enemies.

And then Stalin
became suspicious of him,

so he was executed
and removed from all the photos.

Classic Stalin.
Yeah. Classic Stalin.

Classic Stalin.
Don't smile when you say that.

Don't smile when you say that.



Yes, Tom.

A scientific study
published in Mammalia in 2020

A scientific study
revealed that only one other

revealed that only one other

nocturnal, crepuscular,
revealed that only one other

nocturnal, crepuscular,
semi-aquatic mammal

has what physical attribute
in common with the platypus?

What physical attribute?



The correct answer is

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah.
Yes. That's right.

Yes. That's right.

Yeah, I know it's right.

It's on the card.

So when you shine UV light on it,
they glow.

Yes, and also like
if you take a platypus to a rave

and you snap it in half it glows.

Did you know that?

Oh, yeah I love this song.

Have you been to a rave, Robin?

Do you call them raves anymore?

I'm a 20 year old autistic man

on a game show
talking about Joseph Stalin.

Do I look like I go to raves?
No you don't.

Do I look like I go to raves?


Robin, Stalin was nominated
for the Nobel Peace Prize twice,

Robin, Stalin was nominated
in 1945 and 1948.

in 1945 and 1948.

Why did he not receive it
the second time?

It's because of the Cold War or...
The Cold War, yeah.


The correct answer is
no prize was awarded that year.


What happened was fellow nominee
Gandhi had recently been shot

so they thought it best
to give it to no-one.


Eleanor, Potentially able to combat
antibiotic-resistant bacteria,

this protein,
discovered in platypus milk,

was given what name
based on its shape?

was given what name
I really don't know, but they do...

I really don't know, but they do...

..they are fascinated
with platypus milk,

because it seeps onto the fur,

and so there must be some
real protective mechanism there

for the, um, nestlings

or baby platypus.


..the protein is called the...

spiral antechinus.



You didn't even pause then, Tom.

You didn't even pause then, Tom.

I was getting bored, Eleanor.

The correct answer is
Shirley Temple.

Yeah. 'Cause it's curly.

I mean, you weren't far wrong.
I mean, the spirals.

You were alluding to its shape.

Robin, 37 years after Lenin's death,

Dora Lazurkina,
a member of the Communist Party

declared that Lenin
had appeared to her

and asked that
what be done to Stalin?

and asked that
I'm going to say kill.

I'm going to say kill.


The correct answer is

his body removed
from Lenin's mausoleum.


Yeah, in 1961 his body was removed

and buried near the Kremlin wall
without any service, on Halloween.

Eleanor, in Aboriginal
Dreaming stories of Biladurang,

the platypus comes about when a duck
has children with which mammal?

This was a very naughty little duck

that didn't listen to
the warnings of the duck family

that didn't listen to
and wandered,

and wandered,

and, um, was ravaged by a water rat.



Stalin was born with
a condition called syndactyly,

Stalin was born with
meaning he had what?

meaning he had what?

I think it's because his...

I'm trying to think if it was
his right or his left.

I think it was his...

One of his arms was, like...

..didn't perform right and...

Yeah, I think it
would have been that.


The correct answer is
he had webbed toes.

The correct answer is


Yes, he had two toes fused together.

On the same foot.

It would be weird if it was
the different...

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, so he could swim really well
but only in circles.

Yeah, so he could swim really well


Alright, Eleanor,
if you get this right

you are tonight's Hard Quiz champion.

Genetic links between platypuses
and reptiles and birds

were discovered in a 2008 study
in the journal Nature

after researchers decoded
the DNA of platypuses

found in which New South Wales river?

I was gonna say the Gwydir River,

but I have a feeling that
the platypus was...

..named Glennie.

So... I'm probably
going to have to say Gwydir.

Um, no.
I'm not going to say the Gwydir.

I'm gonna say the Glenhaven River.


The correct answer is

The correct answer is
the Barnard River.

The correct answer is
Oh, what?

Oh, what?



Alright, let's move
to the tiebreak!



After the Battle of Stalingrad,

After the Battle of Stalingrad,

Stalin allegedly refused
After the Battle of Stalingrad,

Stalin allegedly refused
an offer to exchange

Stalin allegedly refused
German Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus

German Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus

for which captive?

It was his son.



Yeah, his son later died
in a German concentration camp.

Yeah, his son later died


Alright, Eleanor you need

Alright, Eleanor you need
to get this right.

If you get this wrong, then, Robin,
you are tonight's Hard Quiz champion.

If you get this wrong, then, Robin,
Prior to mating,

Prior to mating,

platypuses engage in
Prior to mating,

platypuses engage in
a courtship ritual

that involves swimming in circles

after the female
has allowed the male to do what?

Initially, the female
will allow the male

Initially, the female
to grasp her tail with his bill.

to grasp her tail with his bill.


To grasp her by the tail
with his mouth.

To grasp her by the tail


She shouldn't have to

She shouldn't have to
put up with that sh*t.

She shouldn't have to


OK, scores are still tied,

that means it's time
OK, scores are still tied,

that means it's time
for a Tom's tiebreaker.

So it's back to my subject, castles.
One question.

Nearest to the pin will be
tonight's Hard Quiz champion.

Nearest to the pin will be
Here we go, Robin.

Here we go, Robin.

Austria's Eggenberg Palace
has how many exterior windows?



Ugh, pfff...



Seven hundred and...




The correct answer is 365,

which means, Eleanor, you are
The correct answer is 365,

which means, Eleanor, you are
tonight's Hard Quiz champion!

Sorry, mate.

Alright, Robin,
you know what this means. Out!


There he goes.

Congratulations, Eleanor,
you are tonight's Hard Quiz champion!

Which means you get
the big brass mug.

Which means you get
And you get to do the sign off.

And you get to do the sign off.

Thanks for playing - hard.
And you get to do the sign off.

Thanks for playing - hard.


Well done.

Well done.

Captions by Red Bee Media

Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Hard Quiz: Season 8, Episode 8 script (2024)


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.