Beatrice Daily Sun from Beatrice, Nebraska (2024)

Friday, Sept. 26, 1941 BEATRICE DAILY SUN PAGE FIVE Save with Extra safeguards for your money are provided here by the careful supervision of qualified, experienced management and the inherent safety of widely diversified reinvestment of funds in monthly repayable loans on homes. Now is a mighty good time to strengthen your "personal" financial defenses against unforseen events by investing savings here where you know proved safety and profit exists. "We have never missed a dividend" The State Savings and Loan Association Sixth and Ella Streets QUALITY COAL Sold By E. Feldkirchner PHONE 29 MAUSOLEUMS, MONUMENTS, MARKERS NEIDHART MONUMENTAL WORKS Sixth and Market St.

-Mrs, John Fink of Pawnee county is receiving treatment in the Tec*mseh hospital. -Work is progressing on the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Axtell on North Eleventh street. They expect to occupy it early this' winter.

Trautwein Bros. 'are the contractors. -Mrs. C. Bates of Concordia, has.

entered the. Lutheran. hospital for treatment. Bettie Anne Anderson of underwent a tonsil operation at a local hospital this morning. Lee Kracke Farm Sold- -TheLee Kracke farm of acres, situated north of DeWitt, was sold" yesterday to William Peterson of the Peterson Wrench factory of that place for $71.50 per acre, Mr.

Peterson bought the place as an investment. The deal was made by Tim Buss of De Witt. Fifty-Bushel Corn---Hayes Allen of the Crab Orchard vicinity reports that his corn is exceptionally good this year, and he believes it will yield 50 bushels to the acre. He still has some old corn on hand. Wedding Anniversary-Mr.

and Mrs. Jake DeRyke of Odell observed their forty-second wedding anniversary at their home there the first of the week. A number of relatives and friends assisted them in observing the event. Mrs. William Schneider Called -Mrs.

William Schneider, 53, died the first of the week at her home near Princeton. She is survived by her husband and one son, Alvin, Cortland. She also leaves a daughter, Mrs. G. Goggins of Omaha.

Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at Hallam, former home of the deceased. Funeral of Miss Alma Peters. The last services for Miss Alma Peters, resident of the Filley vicinity, who died at a hospital Tuesday morning, were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from St. Paul's Lutheran church, Rev. J.

J. Timken officiating. Interment was in Evergreen Home, The deceased was 31 years of age and is survived by her father, John O. Peters, a brother and a sister. BUY FUEL NOW We will loan you the money you need for winter fuel NOW! GENERAL FINANCE CO.

Beatrice Nat'l Bank Bldg. Room 8 Phone 4 607 -Auction sale, household goods, tonight, 6:30, 1017 Elk. Lyle Mann, owner. 26 -Rummage sale, 1 p. m.

Spicer bldg. 26 -Buy tickets now at Warren's, United States Navy band, Oct. 9. 26 -George Lickliter, who was injured in an accident the other day, has been released from a local hos. pital.

His home is in West Beatrice, -Washington Camp no. 8, Woodmen of the World, will meet Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock in Leigh's barber shop. All members are requested to be present, Mrs. Maynard Krebsbach of the Virginia vicinity, who suffered a dislocated ankle the other day in a fall from a porch, was able to leave a local hospital yesterday for home: -Mrs. Charles Cacek of Odell is recovering from.

a fractured arm which she. sustained in a fall. while. down town the other day. A son was born the first of the week at the Odell hospital to.

Mr. land Mrs. H. Schoen of the Diller vicinity. -A marriage license was issued this week at Wilber to Alfred M.

Jiskra, Swanton, and Libby Marie Slama, Dorchester. Named to Office at DoaneClarence Spilker, son of W. F. Spilker, Beatrice, was elected secretary-treasurer of Epsilon Rho Epsilon at Doane college, Wednesday, September 24. This is physical science club.

Clarence is a chemistry major. Pawnee AAA Elects Vernon Sandusky, Table Rock, chairman of the AAA three years; Ernest Reis, Liberty, vice chairman, and O. Ross Hutchison, Lewiston, have been reelected to the Pawnee county AAA committee. Good Prices at Mudge Sale--At the Ray Mudge farm sale southeast of Beatrice yesterday, milch cows averaged $88 for ten head, the top being $91. Mr.

Mudge has rented his land, but will remain on the farm. Elmer Novotny cried the sale, which was clerked by Roy Mathias. Mrs. Younkin Rites- Rites for Mrs. Sarah A.

Younkin, formerly of Beatrice, who passed away the first of the week at her home in Omaha, were held at Lincoln yesterday, and interment was in Wyuka. Surviving are four children, three daughters and a son, and other relatives. CALL OUR DOCTOR Our "Paint Doctor" will examine your house and prescribe the correct remedy for paint trouble just like your own doctor takes good care of you! The beauty and protection of your home depends on the quality of the paint you use therefore our "Paint Doctor" prescribes the best we sell Roger's Balanced Formula House Paint. ANOTHER ROGER EXCLUSIVE PAINT SERVICE Checking -Blistering 0 Peeling 0 Bad Chalking Check your house now for the danger symptoms listed; Or let us check it! FREE! PHONE PROPERTY 367 FOR A EXAMINATION "PAINT DOCTOR" Beatrice Paint and Wallpaper Store May We Recommend A. Competent Painter? their sister, Mrs.

R. M. Jenkins. They are enroute to California for a year's stay. Mr.

and Mrs. E. E. Winslow of York county yesterday in the city with friends. Phillips of Colby, who has been here on business, returned home yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lou Boyd of the Princeton vicinity spent yesterday in the city, Union Center Mr. and Mrs. C.

J. Lewis of Wallace, who ha've been attending the Methodist conference at Lincoln, were Saturday night guests at the home of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lewis and family near Holmesville. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Fromong visited with relatives, her sister and nieces in Omaha, and Council Bluffs, Iowa, from Wednesday till Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Mailahn and children, Ervin, Donald, and Dolores motored to Fairbury Sunday and were entertained with dinner and supper at the home of Rev.

and Mrs. Stuard and family, who live northeast of Fairbury. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Woodward were Sunday afternoon guests at the home of Mrs.

Dorothy Showen and family near Liberty. Mr. Lester Walker came home Sunday after visiting at the home of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walker, in Clatonia.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Aden and daughter, Shirley June spent Thursday evening with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Aden and family near Virginia.

Supt. and Mrs. Willis Ludington and family spent the Week-end with relatives at Peru and Nebraska City. Miss Lorene Eitzen went to Beatrice, Sunday evening, to work for Mr. and.

Mrs. Floyd Williams and. family. Sunday 'dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

George Champ of Diller were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ellis Mr. and Mrs. B.

M. Ellis, and Mr. and Mrs. Al Le Seur and daughter, Donna of Burchard. The Union Center freshmen and the Union Center faculty were initiated Tuesday evening in the Union Center school building by the upper classmen.

After the Initiation, games were played, and very delicious lunch of ice cream, cake, and cocoa was served. Revival meetings are being held in the Zion Evangelical church and will continue through October 6. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hurtz and daughter, June Peggy entertained with dinner.

Sunday noon, her father, Mr. K. O. Parrish of Wymore, and County Judge and Mrs. Cloyde Ellis and family of Beatrice.

Mr. and Mrs. William Hamby of Denver. returned home Friday after a three- weeks vacation with their daughter, Mrs. Garold Garman and family.

Dennie McKernan, Joe Robinson of Wymore, and Bud Shultze arrived home Sunday evening after vacationing in California. Holmesville Mrs. Elmer Larsen from Sioux City, 'is visiting her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Law.

rence Maschmeier. Members of the freshmen class of Riverview consolidated school were guests of hoonr at a initiation party Friday night. Robert Wolman. and Vernon Carmichael left September 10 for Burbank, where they have accepted positions in the Lockheed Aircraft factory. Mr.

Ray. Lancaster accompanied his daughter and her husband of Wilsonville, Neb to Texas for a Vacation. Mr. Don Steinmeyer and Warren Lancaster returned home from Denver Sunday. Filley Mrs.

McClain, whose husband had a barber shop here a number of years ago, passed away Saturday night at the home of her son Glen, in Lincoln. Her home was at Panama. Oscar Noakes and family, who left here several weeks ago for California are now located in Glendale and Mr. Noakes is working at a wholesale house. Mrs.

P. C. Hendricksen spent several days last week in Beatrice visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alton Davis.

Boys--Girls--Look! JUST RECEIVED New Shipment Goodrich Schwinn Built Bicycles SPECIAL TRADE IN ALLOWANCE THIS WEEK. We have a party wanting 10 used Bikes. Get our trade-in deal today. Lifetime Guarantee Use Our Budget Pay Plan As as $1.00 per week FREE License with each bike purchased Goodrich Silvertown Store 5th and Ella Open Evenings Phone 235 Social Activities in Beatrice and Elsewhere To Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs.

S. E. Giddings of 1023 Market street will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary Sunday afternoon. September 28, from 2 to 5. Their many friends and neighbors are cordially invited.

Birthday Gathering at Wymore Mrs. Anna Colgrove of Wymore was pleasantly surprised Tuesday evening when a number of friends and relatives gave a party in honor of birthday. She received many lovely gifts. At a late hour refreshments were served. 1-Hendrix Miss Margaret Eileen Smith.

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merton D. Smith of Table Rock, announces her engagement to Wayne Earl Hendrix, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Gilbert Hendrix of Humboldt. Miss Smith is teaching in rural school near Table Rock and Mr. Hendrix is employed on a farm near Table Rock. The couple plans to be married early next summer. Diller-Spurlock J.

Smith Diller of Diller announces the marriage of his daughter, Rachel, to Lieut. Lyman D. Lieut. Spurlock is marine, of Mr. Spurlock, U.

S. corps. and Mrs. W. H.

Spurlock of Lincoln. The ceremony took place in the chapel at the Norfolk navy yard in Portsmouth, Aug. 31. Mrs. Spurlock attended the University of Nebraska where she is a Alpha Chi Omega.

Lieut Spurlock is A graduate of the University of Nebraska. Y. P. S. Business, Meeting Young People's society of the Nazarene church; with Rev.

W. E. Carlton as pastor, held their first business and. social meeting after the beginning of the new year. The meeting was held at the home of Rev.

Carlton with about The meeting opened with a song and prayer, which was led by Miss Opal Gouker. Roll call was answered by Bible verse. Eight new members were added to roll. After the business meeting the remainder of the evening was spent in game. A lunch was served.

thur Bowhay of Webb City, who of age. The young. est Bowhiga present was Virginia Ann Bowhay, Axtell, Kas. The oldest Dalton present was Rhoda Dalton of Liberty, who is 78 years of age. The youngest Dalton was Arnold Dalton, Liberty, aged 17 years.

Arthur Bowhay and family came the longest distance, and. Newton Dalton came the farthest of the Daltons. They traveled 450 miles. Ivan Bowhav also celebrated his birthday at this time. The program followed which consisted of recitations, musical readings and various numbers sponsored by.

each family. as follows: America--Audience. Saxophone solo---Marvin Bowhav. Recitation: My Kittens--Jacque. line Morris.

Musical reading: The Lady Who Lives Next Door -Bertha Dalton, accompanied Meredith Bowhay, Recitation: The Robins -Evelyn Bowhay of Yates, City, Ill. Recitation -Meredith Bowhay, Liberty, French horn solo: Sister and I -Helen Price. French horn solo Meredith Bowhay, Recitation: Jack Horner--Larry Searcey. Accordion solo--Frank Eunich of Marysville, Kas. Musical reading: The Girl My Grandmother Used to Be- Bertha Dalton and Meredith Bowhay, Tap dance number -Jennie Rae Manley and Gertrude Bookwalter, Reunion of Bowhay Families Sunday, September 7, the annual reunion the Bowhay family was held Masonic hall at of, Barneston.

The day was fine, and a large crowd began arriving from far and near until over 100 were assembled for the sumptuous basket dinner at noon. There was fried chicken galore to say nothing of the many other toothsome viands, which were served from two long tables, the length of the hall, which fairly groaned under the weight of the eats. At 2 o'clock the president, Glen Bowhay, called the meeting to order and found the largest family present to be the Milo Searcey family, having eighteen present. The largest number of Dalton families was fifteen. Oldest Bowhay present was Ar- awell, Otto Spielman, Ernest Roberta, Reynold Zimmerman, Herman Marma, Wendt, L.

G. Brownawell, Joe Sedlacek, Martin Tjaden, Carl Hurtz, John Wegner, Heye Henricks, Elmer Trauernicht, John Scheidler, Edward Bond, Charles Hilder, John Romisch, Pearl Kiler, Tom Oats, Willard Hughes and Miss Pauline Trauernicht. INTELLIGENCE" free by writing to the Daily Sun A copy of the booklet, "Life in the U. 8. may be obtained Must I pass any Intelligence tests before I am accepted by the U.

S. navy? Yes. Among other requirements of the navy you must a written examination of hundred take, questions and you will be permitted to one hour to complete the examination. These questions are of a general nature and should be readily answerable by any intelligent young man. What does shoot Charlie Noble" the expression, United States navy? It means to clean the galley smokepipe of soot and dirt by firing a pistol therein.

What does "java" mean in the United States navy? Java is the navy's word for cotfee-and the U. S. navy uses more coffee than any other military or naval organization in the world. How did "Aye, Aye" originate in the United States navy? It is the old English for "Yes," taken from an expression used by -The Pawnee county fair will be held at Pawnee City next week for four days, starting -Hey kids, get your Mondaycial navy gob caps at Brown-McDonald's, 10c while they last. 26-28 -See the new 1942 Oldsmobiles at Logan Motor Sales, 5th and Market.

26-28 -Miss Sadie Jerman has changed her residence from 413 Market street to 701 Bell street. Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knispel, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary nesday at their home south of Plymouth. A dinner was served in their honor at 6 o'clock in the evening at which their children and their families were present.

They received numerous gifts and best wishes for more such happy events. Improving- -Police Judge John Andrews, who submitted to a major operation at a local hospital the first of the week, is reported 1 convalescing. His friends will be pleased to learn that he is improv. ing. Locate in Beatrice Mr.

and Mrs. Alvy Fisher and daughter Donna June, formerly of Liberty, have moved to Beatrice to make their home at 110 South Ninth street. Mr. Fisher is employed at the Wilke Bakery company. Pageant at Baptist Church -On Sunday evening September 28, the Baptist young people, with Mrs.

E. R. Dugger, will present a pagcant, "On The Road of Life." The following characters will take part in the service: Reader, Mrs. E. R.

Dugger; soloist, Mrs. Dee Wright; Phyllis Salisbury; "Prayer'. Bernice Trapp; "Young Mrs. Maxine Van Borkum; "Young Jean Chamberlin; "Young Mariyln Jones; baby, Wright; tempters, Dorothy Steurmer, Marxine Keefover, MraI jorie Salisbury and Ruth Potts; group of juniors, Dorothy Graves, Louise Graves, La Donna Bell, Ruby Rist and Mary Trapp. E.

C. Austin Heads Southeast Banking Group E. C. Austin, cashier of the Beatrice National bank, has been elected president of the Southeast Nebraska Regional Clearing House association at its meeting held at Fairbury. H.

R. Killinger, cashier of the Thayer county bank at Hebron, was named vice -president: and Edgar Scheips of the Fairbury First National bank, secretary-treasurer. About 80 bankers attended and T. H. Wake, vice president of the Jones National bank at Seward, and A.

F. Harms, cashier of the De Witt State bank, spoke. Safe at Oketo Post Office Blown and Robbed The safe at: the Oketo post: office was blown open last Wednesday night and more. than $250 in stamps, defense stamps, and money taken, says the Marysville Advocate Democrat. Mrs.

Rhoda Champagne, postmistress, found the blown Thursday morning. Sheriff Clyde Wells expressed belief the burglary was done by an expert. The burglar entered the building by removing a pane from a window in the Red Cross room at the rear of the post office, then tearing hail screen from an opening into the post office. Removed from the safe were $50 in defense stamps, $141.87 in stamps and stamp money, and $60.13 in postal money order money. The sheriff said the safe was blown so expertly that door, hardly damaged, just fell forward.

HALF SON RUBBER HEELS AT LOWER PRICES Men's Half Soles $1. 1.25 Men's Rubber Heels Modern Shoe Repair Next door east of A I M. G. Winnie, Mgr. Navy editor.

sailors of the English navy. If a seaman In the U. S. navy in eligible to take the entrance amination for the States naval academy at Annapolis, is he given any special preparatory training Yes. There is a naval academy preparatory school at Norfolk, Virginia, that trains eligible enlisted men for entrance examinations to Annapolis.

What would a composite picture of the average recruit in the U. S. navy be like? The average recruit in the U. S. navy would be an citizen and the son of citizens.

He would nineteen and a half years of age, 5 feet 8.2 inches tall and would weigh approximately 145 pounds. The average education of all enlisted men in navy is thou three completed years of high school although high school education 1a not required. The majority of enlisted men select naval aviation mechanics training las their first choice. -Dr. David K.

Copeland of Joplin, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Copeland of Beatrice, is chairman of arrangements for the forty-second annual convention of the Minsouri Association of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons.

-A number of residents of the Filley vicinity were in town today to attend the funeral of Miss Alma Peters. Perkey Family Here VisitMr. and Mrs. James C. 'Perkey of Dayton, sons Elton and James and daughter, Mrs.

Charles Voigt of Newburg, are visitting relatives, and old-freinds at File tey, where they' formerly lived, and were In Beatrice today for a short time. Elton is a sergeant in the field artillery at Fort Lewis, and James is employed in a grocery store. A son Harold remained on the coast. They will return home next week. Personals Walter Sweetser was down from Lincoln today for a visit with his mother and Beatrice friends.

Mrs. Bertha Swan of Shelby has returned home after a visit of few days in the city with Andrew Peterson and family. Mrs. Henry White of De Witt has returned home from Lincoln where she spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Steinauer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Atkins of the Sprague vicinity were shopping in the city yesterday. Tim Buss, old resident of DeWitt.

was in the city yesterday on business and visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin of Belleville, were in the city yesterday on business. George Heffner of Lincoln was a business visitor in the city today.

Mr. and Mrs. Verne Morrill and daughter, Verna Rae, Long Beach, visited for a few days here this week with Mrs. Morrill's father, S. K.

Beam. They are enroute to Rochester, and Canada. Mrs. Beam accompanied them to Beatrice and will visit here with relatives and friends for a few weeks. She formerly resided in Gage county.

Lawrence Baldwin of Yuma, who has been. visiting in the city for a few days, returned home today. Mr. and Mrs. M.

L. Searcey of Defiance, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. L. K.

Searcey of Dubuque, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Searcey of Barneston.

M. L. and L. K. are sons of the Searceys.

Both boys are employed by Swift and Company, Mrs. G. Goggins of Omaha, who was called to the Princeton vicinity early last week by the death of her mother, Mrs. William Schneider, has returned home. H.

M. Searcey, old resident of the Barneston vicinity, was a county seat visitor yesterday. George Barton of Lincoln WAS transacting business in the city. yesterday. Mr.

and John N. Fry of Omaha have been visiting at Blue Springs the past few days with accompanied by James Partridge on the electric guitar, Guitar number James Partridge. Election of officers as follows: President--Clyde Bowhay. Vice president- -Marion Dalton. Secretary-treasurer Francis Dalton.

Committees to be selected by these officers and each family to sponsor a number for the program next year, and to be held the first Sunday in September, 1942, as usual. Those present from other states were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bowhay and grandson Bowhay of Webb City, Mr. and Mrs.

Newton and Bertha and grandson Carlyle French of Yates City, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bowhay and children of Yates City, Ill. Rockford Mystery Club The Rockford Mystery club met Thursday for an all day quilting at the home of Belle Essex. Meeting was called to order by the president, Ruth Bernhardt.

Rall call was answered by each telling of something they had accomplished this summer. In the afternoon the program committee, Julia Ruyle, May Brugh and Lulu Cox read a newspaper of the Rockford Mystery club members and their families' doings, dated September 18, 1951, which caused a lot of merriment. Five visitors, Mrs. Mary Bell, Mrs. Emma Schultz, Mrs.

Alma Hinton, Mrs. N. Rowe, Rockford. and Mrs. Bert Davis, Filley, were present.

A lovely covered dish dinner was enjoyed by all at noon. Next meeting to be held at the home of May Brugh, October 16. Announcement Marriage Miss Della Bennett, who was receptionist for Buzoide Studio at Klamath Falls, was married to Frank Osman, at Reno, May 24. They are locating hat Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs.

Osman formerly lived in Beatrice. Wymore Society and News Charter Night Speaker Supt. R. G. Brooks was the principal speaker on the Lions club charter night program held at Aurora on Tuesday evening.

At this meeting there were in attendance members from the Grand Island, Columbus, Hastings, Fullerton and Central City Lions clubs. At The Crete-Wymore Game ning the Wymore band, Zephyr Promptly at 7:30 Friday, eveCadets and the Crete and Wymore teams entered the football field for the opening game of the season. The band wore their colorful new suits and the cadets' suits had been freshly cleaned and fitted, there being fifteen new members in the latter organization. The band opened ranks before the bleachers and the cadets, each carrying a small American flag, marched down in military, precision forming a victory. Mr.

Segel, former coach at Wy- more announced the game. Miss Zimmerman Feted Miss Wanda Zimmerman, whose wedding date was set for September 20th, was honor guest at a shower. given by her aunts and cousins at the home of Mrs. Henry Zimmerman on Saturday afternoon, September 13, 1941. The bride received many lovely and useful gifts of miscellaneous nature, Decorations for the affair.

were. in pink and white with favors in harmonizing colors, representing tiny floor lamps, a light to lighten the path way, The lunch consisted of chicken sandwiches, pickles, apple pie a la mode and coffee. Those present were the honored guest, her mother, Mrs. John Zim-. merman, the groom's mother, Mrs.

McKinley Bowen, the hostess, and Mesdames Julena Zimmerman, A. R. Zimmerman, Donald Woodward, Billy Marples, Reiner Zimmerman, Andrew B. Saathoff, Lloyd Brown- Sunday School Class Picnic Mrs. Glen Carrigan recently entertained her Sunday school class at a picnic at Arbor State park.

It is "the second grade class in the Methodist church. The children enjoyed playing games and swinging until Mra. Carrigan the lunch, which she had prepared. It consisted of decorated cup cakes, candy Scotties, kool-aid, fruit jello, set in dixie cups and suckers. Members of the class at the picnic were Beverly Jones, Joan Kinley, Darrel Arnold, Donna Crumb, Carol Handley, Mary Ruth Keck and Margaret Hotz.

Evening Pinochle Mrs. Roger Closs entertained her pinochle club at their second meeting this fall. Mrs. Carl Parks won the first prize, Mrs. W.

Tumblin, the travelers' prize and Mrs. Charles Dewey the low prize. A lovely lunch was served at a late hour. Mrs. Jesse Brown and Mrs.

Bud Page were guests. SATURDAY Food Features LETTUCE, large crisp heads, 2 for. 15c TOKAY GRAPES Pound 1c APPLES, fine, 4 ibs. for Wealthy BANANAS Pounds JERSEY SWEET POTATOES -5 Lbs. for GRIMES GOLDEN APPLES Ready to eat 6- Lbs.

25c GREEN BEANS, 8 No. 2 tins BUTTER plain wrap Pound clear, COMB 2 Cakes HONEY Nice and COFFEE HGF Drip grind 1 lb. tin for and a package of Jell Powder FREE SUGAR tine grain 10 Lbs. OATS Quaker, quick or regular Large Box Better buy nOW HOMINY No. 2 HGF 2 Tins for 150 TOILET TISSUE, 6 Rolls For FACIAL TISSUES 500 count, Lee's Complete line of fresh Vegetables MEAT DEPARTMENT cured, Pound BACON, sliced sugar and juicy Pound CLUB STEAKS tender SKINLESS WIENERS Pound 1 lb.

STICK links CHILI Pound in MINCED HAM sliced or chunk Lb. 176 MEAT LOAF Pound 23g DRESSED CHICKENS for stewing or frying. Very reasonably priced. THE ANNEX GROCERY PHONE 98 509 ELLA ST. Enjoy their secret savory sauce Van PORK.


Beatrice Daily Sun from Beatrice, Nebraska (2024)


What is the poverty rate in Beatrice, Nebraska? ›

The average household income in Beatrice is $62,370 with a poverty rate of 20.08%.

How did Beatrice, Nebraska get its name? ›

The City of Beatrice was named after Julia Beatrice Kinney, the 17-year-old daughter of Judge John F. Kinney, a member of the settlers.

Is Beatrice, Nebraska growing? ›

Between 2021 and 2022 the population of Beatrice, NE declined from 12,276 to 12,237, a −0.318% decrease and its median household income grew from $45,858 to $49,537, a 8.02% increase.

What is the industry in Beatrice Nebraska? ›

Basic economic activities of Beatrice, the county seat, include manufacturing,retail and wholesale sales, tourism, and agricultural enterprises. Beatrice now has over 500 businesses, ranging from financial institutions, retail shops, restaurants, industry and services.

What is the most poverty ridden state? ›

Mississippi is the poorest state in the US, with a poverty rate of 18.7%.

Which state has the most low-income families? ›

The states with the highest proportions of low-income residents include Mississippi (24%), New Mexico (23%), Louisiana (21%), and Oklahoma (20%). If we look at population counts (instead of proportions), the states with the largest populations naturally stand out as having the highest numbers of low-income residents.

What is Nebraska original name? ›

Nebraska's name is the result of anglicization of the archaic Otoe Ñí Brásge (contemporary Otoe: Ñíbrahge; pronounced [ɲĩbɾasꜜkɛ]), or the Omaha Ní Btháska, (pronounced [nĩbɫᶞasꜜka]), meaning "flat water", after the Platte River which flows through the state.

What is the nickname of Omaha? ›

Founded in 1854, it soon became known as a “gateway to the West.” Omaha's location near the juncture of the Platte and Missouri rivers provides access to the wide, flat valley of the Platte, which has become a vital transportation artery.

What does Beatrice change her name to? ›

She is then asked for her name and, with Four saying that she should think carefully as she can't pick again, she chooses a new name that would go with her life change, Tris. She is then cheered on by a crowd of waiting Dauntless members as the "first jumper."

Is Beatrice, Nebraska a good place to live? ›

Family friendly and safe city. A good place to raise children. Friendly people. Not too small and not too big.

What is the fastest growing town in Nebraska? ›

According to a list compiled by GoBankingRates, the fastest growing city in Nebraska is Omaha. Omaha has grown a whopping 15.52% in the last 8 years! Here is what GoBankingRates had to say about compiling the data to discover the fastest growing cities across the country: "Boomtown.

Is Nebraska gaining or losing population? ›

Population Estimates

The Census approximates that Nebraska's population increased to 1.978 million as of July 2023. According to these estimates, the state population increased only 0.8 percent in the three years since 2020, or 0.2 percent annually.

Who is the largest private employer in Nebraska? ›

Berkshire Hathaway comes in at the top, with more current employees than any other company in the state.

What is the main income of Nebraska? ›

The largest industries by revenue in Nebraska are Meat, Beef & Poultry Processing, Corn, Wheat & Soybean Wholesaling and Natural Gas Distribution, which generated $26.4b, $21.9b and $16.8b in 2023.

What is the oldest company in Nebraska? ›

First National Bank

What percentage of people are in poverty in Nebraska? ›

In 2022, 11.2 percent of Nebraska's population lived below the poverty line. This is a slight increase from the previous year, when 10.8 percent of Nebraskans lived below the poverty line.

What is the demographics of Beatrice NE? ›

The largest Beatrice racial/ethnic groups are White (92.1%) followed by Hispanic (3.8%) and Two or More (2.1%).

What place has the highest poverty rate? ›

South Sudan has the highest poverty rate at 82.3%, indicating severe economic challenges and a need for significant humanitarian and developmental aid. The United States, with a significant wealth inequality gap, has varying poverty rates, up to 17.8%, pointing to challenges even in the world's largest economy.

What is the city tax in Beatrice NE? ›

The Nebraska sales tax rate is currently 5.5%. The County sales tax rate is 0%. The Beatrice sales tax rate is 2%.


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